Kara is clearly nervous and overwhelmed. She doesn't recognize anybody or anything, but she does what Alex asks and gets ready. With a final hug, Alex sends her into the examination room. Then she swipes the dress and glasses and joins Winn and J'onn.

"It seems like some sort of amnesia." Alex begins. "She thinks I work for the FBI, she doesn't recognize anybody here, and she ... doesn't think she's super. I don't recognize this dress, so have it checked. Also this brooch. And the glasses, just to be sure, she claims she can't see without them, so get them back quickly. Do we know what the woman in the video was saying?"

Winn shakes his head. "Not yet. We're almost certain it's some sort of ancient Greek, but our experience with that as a spoken language is, well, non-existent. Our own linguists are specialized in alien languages, but we are trying to get hold of some external experts."

Two minutes later Winn comes back with the glasses. They are exactly like they have always been – lead-lined and with absolutely no correction. Alex sneaks them back in time for testing Kara's eyes.

After half an hour, the examination is over, and Kara changes back into her own dress while Alex waits for her. "That's a nice dress, Kara, where did you get it?"

Kara stops for a moment. "I ... don't remember. It was a gift, from someone rich. Must have been Lena. Probably the time she invited me to the gala. Yes, I think that was it. Do you like it?"

"Absolutely, it's the perfect little black dress for a librarian!" Alex teases.

Kara ignores it, ties her hair back and gets up, looking positively perky now. "The doctor said I was perfectly fine, no sign of injuries or even a concussion. She took some blood too, but it didn't hurt that much."

Alex smiles and guides Kara into an interview room. "Have a seat, I'll be right with you, then we'll see if you remember something." Then she closes the door gently and rushes into the examination room where Dr. Hamilton is waiting.

"I figured you would show up, agent Danvers, so here's the short summary: Your sister is a perfectly healthy 25 year old human female."


"Yes. Just human. There is no sign of anything Kryptonian in her. I took a blood sample as the first thing and ran tests, and it's completely different from when he burned out all her solar energy. Back then she was like a human in power and vulnerability, but now she is human. Her DNA is one hundred percent homo sapiens. She's still a human in almost perfect condition, the only disability is that she believes herself to be short-sighted."

"She believes ...?"

"With her glasses she has perfect 20/20 vision, without them she's severely myopic, and we both know that those glasses are no stronger than window panes."

Alex hides her head in her hands. "So, you are saying that someone took the super out of my sister?"

"In a word, yes."

"And will it come back?"

Emilia Hamilton puts a hand on Alex's shoulder. "I don't know, Alex. Nobody knows. If you had asked me yesterday, I'd have said that this couldn't possibly happen at all. Even Medusa can't make a change this thorough. So, to be positive, if the impossible is possible, then anything can happen."

Alex questions Kara for about an hour and a half. She is extremely gentle, but still manages to get Kara talking about all the things that could be relevant. Kara is just amazed to see Alex at work, and seems to enjoy the experience, except that she is sorry she can't help at all with figuring out who broke her door.

Kara, Just KaraWhere stories live. Discover now