Chapter I

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This story may seem fraudulent to some and tragic to others, nevertheless it is a story worth mentioning. I remember it as if it was yesterday, not due to my impeccable memory rather because it was a memorable day. Holmes had just declined the offer as Head Detective at Scotland Yard, to add to the scenery it was slightly sunny despite it being a frosty winter's day. This particular day also happened to share date with the International Tea day. As per usual Holmes had spent the prior days in bed by cause of the boredom that overcomes him when he finishes a case. However, this day he was just as alert and focused as the Queen's guards, I could tell by his beaming green eyes.

"There is a chance for you to make some money, friend Watson," said he.

"Have you ever heard the name of Garrideb?" I admitted that I had not.

"Well, if you can lay your hand upon a Garrideb, there's money in it."


"Ah, that's a long story—rather a whimsical one, too.

"Despite all years I have spent examining humans and their ways I have yet to stumble upon a story so odd. It is indeed of the rarer kind. However I will not give it away, the lady it entails will be joining us momentarily."

Mrs Hudson, our landlady, swiftly pulled up her iPhone and Google searched the name Garrideb, and was astonished by the lack of hits. "I could understand how there was money in the discovery of a Garridebs, they are as rare as a leprechauns!" she blurted out. But to Mrs. Hudson's amazement she managed to find a suitable person. So she aimed her cracked smartphone towards Holmes face and pointed to the name.

" 'Garrideb, N.,' " Holmes read, "' Sorry to be of disappointment , my dearest Mrs. Hudson, but this Lady is already involved in case. She was the one who emailed me to begin with, what I am looking for is a match."

She returned to her searching and gave a cry of joy when she found yet another Garrideb, but something told me Holmes already knew of this person.

"Rachel Garrideb, does that ring a bell?" she asked with uncertainty in her voice.

"Oh dear, I am afraid this lady is in the mix, already. Frankly, she will be joining us any moment now with more information, if you could please prepare some tea for our guest, that would be great."

"I am not your servant" she pointed out.

"Just this once, dear Mrs Hudson." begged Holmes.

And just like Holmes had foreseen Rachel Garrideb was knocking on our door on 221b Baker Street moments after. The lady that walked through was of average height with a set of deep blue eyes. However, what stood out the most was her vibrant red hair. Her short pixie cut and worn out leather jacket paired with stonewashed black jeans made her look young and bold, despite her obvious wrinkles. She had a noticeable british accent, but occasionally a Slavic accent was audible. And she had a distinct scar on her left eyebrow.

"Pray sit down, you must be awfully tired from your nightly bartending" said Holmes ever so confident.

"How did you know I worked as a bartender?" she responded with wonder in her eyes.

"Well, judging by the rings under your eyes, the smell of alcohol and your unkempt nails, I can tell you spent your evenings serving drinks and engaging in stale conversation"

Rachel glared at me in reaction to what she just witnessed, but I remained silent.

"We shall, I fancy, have a good deal to discuss." Holmes continued.

As they each sat on an armchair drinking the tea Mrs. Hudson so kindly brought out for them, she began to introduce herself.

"I am Rachel Garrideb, I believe my biological sister emailed you?" she began. "Me and my family have been searching for her and our brother for some time now, and we finally found her".

"Ah, yes" said Holmes "She went missing and was adopted, could you elaborate on that" my friend ask suspiciously.

"Let us not dwell in the past, shall we?" she quickly replied.

It was evident she did not want to go into details, so Holmes let it slide.

"But why did Ms. Natasha Garrideb not come with you?" said Holmes

"Why did she ever drag you into it at all?" asked our visitor with a sudden out flame of anger.

"There is no reason to involve a detective, this is a private matter between two people."

But before her rage got out of hand Mr Holmes ensured her it was the best option for both parties involved.

"It is what it is, now that we have you here, we would like to hear it straight from the horse's mouth."

"Well, there no reason to be secretive, I will keep it short and sweet" she uttered with a changed facial expression.

"I have always wanted a sister, and when mama told me I once had one I was eager to find her. So I spent the last year searching for Natasha. To my advantage our uncommon last name, Garrideb, made the search easy. I am sure that a fatherless woman like her would want to meet her real family. I made sure to contact her to build a relationship with her and introduce her to the rest of us."

I was nibbling on my biscuit as she was telling her side of the story. I had my eyes fixed on Holmes. Me having spent many years as Holmes's right-hand man I could tell when he was not convinced, and he was not.

"So how did you find her?" asked Holmes.

"Facebook" Rachel replied "After looking through several adoption agencies, foster homes and even with the police, my final resort was social media. And lo and behold I found her profile, figured out her address and gave her a visit." she continued. "I always do my research before I meet up with people" she quickly added.

"Well, then you must have found my Facebook-profile?" asked Holmes.

"Yes, of course"

Holmes skillfully wrapped up the conversation and sent her through the door.

"Well, Watson," said Holmes with a smile, "I said it was rather bogus, did I not?"

I chuckled knowing that Holmes has a profound hatred for social media and would never set up a Facebook-account, I could surely say she fell for his trap. But as the genius he was, Holmes let her believe we were fooled by her lies.

"Here is a woman with a jacket and jeans only made and manufactured in Russia claiming to be the biological sister of Natasha Garrideb, her barely noticeable accent may fool commoners like you, dear Watson, but the clothing really gave it away, don't you think?" said Holmes.

"Come along Watson, we shall pay a visit to the second Garrideb" 

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