Norway x Norwegian Elkhound reader

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(LucijaTheGreat thanks for making the request. Now if you don't know what a Norwegian elk hound look like look it up their pretty cute.)    

(f/c): fav colour

(h/c): hair colour

(e/c): eye colour

(name): your name

(also just so your aware I have a head canon that if a country gets a pet it will become immortal like them so this is why you've been with Norway for so long.)

(Also warning minor swearing)

Narrators pov:

Everyone had moments when they just wanted to get away from things and spend some time away from others.  Right now Norway was having one of those moments so he decided to take his loyal companion who has been with him before the viking age (name) a Norwegian Elk hound with Fluffy (h/c) fur, she stood just above his knees, she had shimmering (e/c) eyes and a (f/c) collar, for a hike. This is how it went down.   


Norway had been itching to get away from the Nordic place to cool off. You see the Nordic house is almost just as crazy as it is during world meetings. finally Norway had enough when Denmark decided to annoy him.

"hey nor" 'endure it' he thought

"Nor" 'he'll leave in a moment'

"Noooooor" 'he'll stop'

"Noorway~" 'grrrrr'

"nor" 'screw it I can't take anymore'

"SHUT IT DENMARK!!!" he snapped standing up and slamming his book the couch. the clatter of noise stopped and everyone turned to look at Norway. Norway never snapped normally he'd only calmly choke Denmark with his tie but they guessed he finally snapped.

"I'm leaving do not follow I most likely wont be back until morning" he said taking deep breaths to calm down. He went to his room and pulled out a large bag he had already prepared in case he needed it. (name) was currently sleeping on his bed.

"(name)" he said she perked her head up immediately and looked at her owner.

"wanna go back to the viking days for a night?" he asked she whimpered excitedly leaping off the bed she followed out of his room and outside. they began to go on the hiking trail behind the Nordic house. (name) was very loyal to her owner never once did she run away she never needed a leash. she bounded along next to Norway he smiled at her it was genuine smile. he sighed as birds chirped the sun peaking through the trees such a peaceful place this never got old to him and (name) the pair made their way up and down hills crossed a stream before finally reaching their destination a *peat moss cabin* it was built out of wood, stone and peat moss bricks just like the old viking days he and (name) went inside the place was warm and cozy. Norway began un packing some blankets and placed them on the bed they where made out of sheep's wool he laid on the bed (name) came up to lying next him he pet her running his hand along her fluffy fur. As long as (name) was here he was happy.

*peat moss cabin*: when the vikings first came to Canada they came to Newfoundland settling at a place we now call L'anse aux Meadows which is a national historic sight (if you ever go Newfoundland I seriously suggest checking this place out its really cool) when they came there they built houses out of peats moss by forming them into bricks they also used stone and wood too. but when they moved on they burned evidence of being there leaving behind the bump outline of the houses. the outlines still exist today even old daggers and other weapons where found underground around there too. so in case you were confused there you go.

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