27. Bullet Hole in my Chest or not, I'll put you Six Feet Deep

Start from the beginning

"A girl, she was just brought in, shot in the chest, where is she?!" I get the words out but they seem jumbled so I don't know if she'll understand me completely.

"Uhm," She stares at her computer too long for my liking. "Third floor, surgery room seventeen, you'll have to wait in the lounge space there since she's in surgery." I barely heard the last part before I was running to the elevator, pressing the up arrow repeatedly.

"Come on, come on, COME ON!" My annoyance grows with each push of the button, "OPEN!" The doors just so happened to open right there. The lady in the elevator looked at me in terror with my yelling but I didn't care.

In the elevator I saw that everyone else looked petrified as well, especially Bentley. He looked so utterly lost. It occurred to me at that moment that he had lost Cody the same as Phoenix did. He lost Cody in the same way he was possibly losing Phoenix. His entire family as far as I knew. The guy I didn't know had a hand on Bentley's should while the girl was looking at him worriedly. Bentley just looked gone, like connection with him wouldn't even be possible. I wonder if that's the expression I'm wearing right now.

The doors open and we all run out.


It's been thirty minutes since we got here and still there's no word on Nix's state. I've found myself staring at the door and crying with a blank face. I was just sobbing to the point of rocking back and forth but I ran out of energy so it's resulted in me gluing my eyes to the door as tears drop down my face.

At first, they were trying to talk to me and comfort me, but I think when I gained a stoic expression yet was still crying, they decided there was nothing they could do.

Personally, I believe when a person cries but it blank at the same time, that's when you know they've shattered. That's when you know they've lost all hope. It's like the breaking point. When you're too tired to do anything. It shows when a person has lost their fight.

Emily has her face buried in Nate's chest as she's crying. He's holding her tight, like he'll never be able to hold her again. My heart aches at the sight of the two.

I miss her so much. I've barely been away from her but I just miss her.

Room seventeen's door opens to reveal a doctor in her mid twenties, holding a clipboard. "I assume you're the friends of the girl in there." She gestures to the room. She's got a sad expression, which worries me so much more.

"Her name is Phoenix Stone." Bentley replies.

"Is anyone here family? I need to speak to family." She asks tentatively.

"I'm her fiancé." I reply. The women turns her attention to me.

"My name is Dr. Leah." She says, trying to be polite but I wish we could just skip the formalities. She sighs, taking a deep breathe, "Losing a loved one is hell."

I feel my legs go weak as I sink to the floor. Losing a loved one is hell. Phoenix is dead... she wouldn't say that if she wasn't.

She leans down to me, speaking as if she was a friend, "They're attempting to start her heart again, but it's up to her now. The chances are slim, but there is still some hope." I've lost her.

The chances are slim. She's dead. They're attempting to start her heart again. My Phoenix is dead.

I can't breathe. My lungs feel like they're on fire. There's a ringing in my ears like a flatlining on a heart monitor.

My mind floats off, remembering details about her. Like when I caught her dancing,

When I reach the top floor and head to Phoenix's door I peek in. There's slow music playing on a radio in the corner and she's twirling around like Cinderella at the ball.

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