"I see life in the military is working for you very well. Maybe too well-First Sergeant Al Shahaad." Rafiq chuckled whilst he scanned down his brother's tall figure. Unlike the guards dressed in the royal guard uniform, Hassan wore his full camouflage uniform and combat boots.

"It is isn't it? You should re-consider fully joining." Hassan joined the man in laughter.

"Trust me, brother, I already have a lot on my plate." He replied.

"Ah well, you know where to find me." he paused, "Father misses you." He turned, and they began walking towards the convoy of large, black SUVs bearing both their family crest and national flag.

"Well-didn't sound like it when I spoke with him on the phone recently," Rafiq grumbled.

"I don't know about that, but we should head home. He told me you two have a great deal to discuss, and then the festival is also up for discussion when you are done, you know how our mother is like." He laughed, sliding into the vehicle where another saluting guard held the door readily opened for them.

"I thought I was specific about not having a meaningless party just for my arrival." Rafiq bit out and gritted his teeth.

"Oh cheer up brother, we both knew mother would get her way, as she always does. Frankly, I'm surprised that you're surprised." Hassan clapped his brother's back in laughter.

"Right." Rafiq sighed with a shake of his head. The motorcade started its journey the heart of the vibrant city Tamar's. It had the most spectacular architecture, and the same went for its residents. It never ceased to amaze him. For a moment he lost himself in his thoughts as he looked out his window, looking at the people that filled the sidewalks cheering their crown prince back home. One day, it would pass down to him, so he could rule and allow his people and his country flourish more and more. There were days he absorbed himself in the awareness of such responsibilities, of one day becoming a ruler everyone will look up to. Then there were some, like recently, where he didn't want to care about anything but his own freedom and self indulgence. To feel what it was to be truly from any responsibilities or the hidden burdens that shackle him to the duty grounds of the desert. He didn't bother trying to speak with his brother since the younger man was already on the phone with no doubt it was an important call. Soon enough their cars were navigating through the large iron gates of the palace, past more saluting soldiers and cheering locals.

"Well, I suppose it's time to meet with the King," He mused.


"Ziza wake up

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"Ziza wake up." Ferran shook his friend's shoulder.

"Five more minutes." She mumbled in her sleep.

"Come, you've got class in an hour then work later," Ferran replied as he attempted to pull at the blankets that wrapped around her like a burrito.

"Fine, I'm up, I'm up." Ziza sat up.

"You, look awful." Ferran teased and moved to open her curtains, letting the sun flood into the room causing Aziza to complain.

Arranged Marriage: The Prince and IWhere stories live. Discover now