Chapter 29: Drama

Start from the beginning

Tiffany and Tyler were sitting outside a cafe when they spotted a cute guy. 


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"Omg. That guy is totally looking at you!" Tyler gushed.

"No he's not!" Tiffany blushed.

"Yes he is! Let's wait for him to approach us." Tyler said acting "natural".

"Oh my god. Tyler stop looking at him!" Tiffany said as she looked away.

"Um, excusez moi." a voice said. Tiffany and Tyler looked up to see that it was the cute guy from earlier.

"Hey!" Tyler said enthusiastically.

"Bonjour!" the boy chuckled, "Je suis desole, mais je ne peux pas m'empecher de remarquer votre joli visage." he said to Tiffany.

Tiffany just sat there and stared. Normally, she would always get comments like this, but this one's different. Maybe because he was French.

"Say something." Tyler coughed awkwardly.

"Oh, um. Merci beau coup. Je suis Tiffany et il est Tyler, mon grand frere. Quel est votre nom?" Tiffany asked. Tyler looked at her with wide eyes.

"Je m'appelle Dax Martin." the boy answered.

"Oooh. That's a really cool name." Tyler whispered to Tiffany.

"I know right!" Tiffany whispered back.

"I can speak English too." Dax chuckled lightly. 

"Oh my god. We've been tricked by a French guy who can actually speak English. I've never been so cheated in my entire life." Tyler shook his head.

"Dammit. Why didn't you say so?" Tiffany said.

"You guys are cute." Dax laughed.

"Thanks." Tyler said flatly. 

"Is this seat taken?" Dax asked as he pointed to the chair in front of Tiffany and Tyler.

Tiffany and Tyler shook their heads and Dax sat down.

"So, I'm guessing you're not from here. Where are you from?" Tiffany asked.

"I'm just visiting my grandparents, actually." Dax replied.

"Oh, so they're French." Tyler shrugged and took a sip of her coffee.

"Yup. My dad is French, but my mom is half British and half American." Dax said.

"Oh. In short, you're half French, 1/4 British, and 1/4 American?" Tiffany asked.

Dax just shrugged and smiled, "I guess. What about you guys?"

"We're half British and half American." Tyler said.

Their conversation lasted for hours, until Tiffany and Tyler decided to go home. 

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