The cabin

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I have been really wanting to make a fem gee one so here it is.


"Yeah she would totally fuck me good." Lindsey said twisting a strand of her hair.

Gee loved Lindsey but she didn't always like listening to her lesbian fantasies that involved Jamia.

That's why she was glad when a boy named Frank walked over to the two girls making Lindsey stop talking.

The two girls had been hanging out at a small cafe when Frank and his friends decided to barge in.

"Hey ladies." Gee giggled and mumbled a hi as Lindsey rolled her eyes.

Frank always had a small group of friends who would act cool and tough. You definitely would not want to mess with them. This group consists of Ray Toro, Bert McCracken, and Jamia Nestor.

Lindsey started walking towards Jamia leaving Gee with Frank. "So my friends and I are gonna go hang out at the beach tomorrow. Would you and your friend like to join. Her and Jamia are getting quite close. " Frank said looking back and watching as Jamia grabbed Lindsey's hips and pulled the blushing girl close.

"Um sure what time?" Gee asked twirling a piece of her short black hair in her hand.

"I'll pick you girls up around 1:00." He said.

"Ok. See you later Frankie." Gee said walking away and grabbing Lindsey's hand before starting to walk back to her house.

Gee has has had a crush on Frank since 7th grade but she never had the guts to talk to the small punk boy.
Lindsey grew her crush on Jamia a few months after she realized she didn't like boys.

~the next day~

"Oh Yeah sooo good!" Lindsey let out the sluttiest moan she could muster.

"Oh my gosh Lindsey stop!" Gee squeaked as Lindsey played out one of her fantasies.

"Ok fine. So what did you say we're doing?" Lindsey asked.

"Frank invited us to go to the lake with him and his friends." Gee said and Lindsey's eyes widened.

"Oh my god!!" She screeched making Gee jump.

"What?!" She asked.

"Gee! That's where they take their victims!" She said and Gee looked at her confused. "Everyone at our school knows that Franks parents own a cabin there but they never use it so that's where Frank and his friends bring people to have the sex." Lindsey said.

"Oh my gosh! Jamia's finally gonna make a move!" Lindsey squealed and Gee joined in.

"Wait." Gee mumbled. "What if Frank just wants a quick fuck?" Gee asked as sadness took over her eyes.

"Aw Gee. Of course he just wants a quick fuck!"

Wow Lindsey is not helpful in any way when your about to get used and thrown away by your crush.

"Come here Gee. It's already 12:00. We should get ready." Lindsey said and Gee agreed.

"I don't know what to wear!!!" Gee yelled as she searched her closet.

"Calm down honey we'll find something. Maybe we could run over to my place and get you one of mine.

"No. We don't have time for that and I don't like your type of bathing suit." Gerard said looking at the red and black bikini Lindsey was wearing.

Suddenly Gee remembered something. She has a box of her old bathing suits in the attic. She told Lindsey and the two girls ran to the attic.

It was already 12:40 when Gee found the perfect bathing suit. Lindsey was putting on some last minute lip gloss while Gee was pulling on a skirt to cover up until they got to the lake. Lindsey was wearing her bikini with a red crop top and black shorts over it. Gee was wearing pink bathing suit bottoms and a top that had frilly stuff on it. Over that she was wearing a black skirt and a pink shirt.

When the girls heard the door bell ring they both ran down stairs. Gee's black hair fell into her face almost making her trip. "Wait!" Gee said when Lindsey was about to open the door. She quickly fixed her skirt and her hair before giving Lindsey a smile and nod.

"Cmon get your sweet ass in the car." Frank mumbled with a cigarette hanging from his lips. "Imma smoke real quick." He said and Lindsey got in the car leaving behind gee.

"Hi." She squeaked and he smiled at her. "Cutie." He mumbled and she stood there blushing. Frank finished his cigarette and the two got in the car along with the rest of the group.

~~Gee's pov~~

Ray decided to sit in the middle of Jamia and Lindsey for some reason. I sat in the passenger seat while Frank was driving. There weren't enough seats for all of us but Bert volunteered to sit in the back.

Franks hand was on my thigh most of the ride making me squirm a little when he squeezed softly. "When are we gonna get there Frank?" Bert whined from the back.

"You asked that five minutes ago and I said about 30 minutes. So we should be there in 15 minutes." Frank said.
I was quite surprised by his amazing math skills...

~time skip~

When we got out of the car I walked over to Lindsey and smiled. "Ray is gonna ruin my chances with Jamia." She grumbled quietly so no one else would hear. "What chances?" I mumbled and before she could say anything Frank placed a hand on my hip. "Lets go get set up." Frank said.

I helped carry stuff down to the lake and soon we were set up with an umbrella for shade and chairs.
I now watched Bert run into the water with a large smile on his face before yelling and getting out. "Fuck!! It's cold!" He yelled.

I turn to see Jamia sitting with Lindsey in her lap. Ray and Frank were both in their own seats. I saw one more seat that I'm sure was meant for Bert by the towel with a pot leaf pattern on it laying across the chair.
"Gee come sit with me." Frank says and I smile with a small nod.
Before sitting down with him I slid my skirt off my hips and folded it neatly in my lap I also take off my shirt and perch myself on Frank's lap.

He wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer. "You look gorgeous in this." He says and I giggle looking down at my bathing suit. "Thank you." I say.

He leans close to my ear and I can feel his hot breath on my neck. "Hopefully I'll be pulling it off of you later." He says making me blush.

As time passes everyone slowly gets tired of swimming and eating Doritos. So Frank suggest we go to the cabin and watch a scary movie.

When we get there we are thankful that it has power and a tv with a shelf full of movies next to it.

"Alright guys. Since we are in a cabin that is in the woods it is only reasonable that we watch cabin in the woods." Frank says as everyone sits on the couches with blankets. We had all changed out of our bathing suits and into comfortable clothes.

After Frank put the movie on he sat next to me as it started.
I moved closer to him as the movie got scarier. He had finally wrapped his arm around me.

~to be continued~


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