Chapter 9: First Day in the Hunt

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I wasn't that happy about having a male in the hunt but he has been favored by Milady, and he is also is Milady's new son. I couldn't help feeling pity for him because of his horrible childhood.

I couldn't hate him he was only five and I know that he will be set to camp when he is twelve because of his dads.

I was still shocked that a kid so small and weak could have so much power. He was so nice when he met us and hopefully he will be like that for the rest of his life. ( Which won't be long since many monsters will be attracted to his scent).

I went to the dinning area and waited for the rest of my fellow hunters. It only took three minutes for all of them to arrive. Not long after they all came in Lady Artemis came in with her new son, Percy. Most of our hunters were okay with this because they had younger or older brothers that they missed. While others were just a little uncomfortable with him being here because of his gender. I couldn't help but agree with the second group.

 After what happened with Heracles I have never and I mean never been able to trust, look, like, or respect any male. Most of the younger hunters were okay but were a little wary.

Milady sat in the middle and put Percy next to her. Percy was looking down and not looking at anyone in particular.

" Well girls what did you hunt yesterday and today." Asked Milady.

" We hunted three deer, ten rabbits, and one elk. Today we gathered berries and nuts"  Atlanta said. 

" Is breakfast ready girls" Lady Airtimes called behind her

" Yes we will be right out" one of the hunters responded ( the hunter was in the kitchen).  Jessica and Lee Ann came out with bread and jam with cooked meat. 

Every hunter got up and grabbed a plate and headed to the food. I got two pieces of nut bread, toast with jam on it, and a piece of sausage. Most of the hunters go the same thing as me. I noticed that the boy hadn't gotten up when. I was surprised because any male would have ran to the food and pushed the others to get what they wanted. Instead he waited until all of us had our food. Even then he didn't get up until we all sat down. I wasn't the only one who noticed this. The other hunters looked at the boy with surprise and approval.

He got two plates and filled one with more food than the other. Boys always thinking of their stomachs.  I noticed that Milady doesn't have a plate and I knew that Percy would probably take the plate with the most food. When he walked back to the table he did something I didn't expect. He gave the larger plate to Artemis and he got the smaller plate that only had one sausage, one piece of nut bread, and a strawberry.

I looked back to the food to see if there was any left over and their wasn't. He just ate what he had slowly and when he was done waited for us to finish. He didn't even say that he wanted more food.

After breakfast we all went to practice our skills. Artemis came with Percy and she got a bow and handed it to Percy. He got a few arrows and got into a ready position and fired. It hit dead center.

Percy looked at the bow then at the target then the bow again. I thought about how he could be so good with a bow with out practice. Then I remembered that one of his dads was Apollo, and Artemis had also adopted him. Both Apollo and Artemis were the gods of archery so it only makes sense that Percy would be amazing in archery.

" I can't believe I did that, but I think it has to do with being the son of both archery gods biologically and adopted. Wait will I be able to be naturally skilled with many weapons since Ares is also my dad?''

" Yes I think you will be efficient with any kind of weapon buy with a lot of practice you will be a master at many things." With that being said Artemis gave Percy more weapons to fight with to see what he is capable of and what he needs to improve on

Percy POV

I tried to stay away form most of the hunters because I knew that they still they weren't that comfortable with me being here. Mom took me to the target area after breakfast and told me that I will need a bow if I was going to be part of the hunt. I got the bow and went to a nearby target and I aimed then shot. I expected that I would miss but surprisingly I hit it dead center.

I told my mom why I thought I was so good and she responded by telling me that we needed to see what other talents I have with weapons.

It took us nearly half the day before mom decided that I was best with a sword and that I will need a lot of training.

That same day the hunt and I had to move because we couldn't stay in one place for long. We went to the nearest forest and we all started to rebuild the camp.

We got to fight monsters on the way here and I had to fight the minotaur. 

--- flashback ---

I saw a bull looking figure heading right towards me. It was the minotaur. I got out my sword and swung but cut off his horn. The second I did that he roared in anger and charged at me again I couldn't go left of right, so I charged to. I heard my mom scream my name. As the minotaur got closer I readied myself to jump. I timed it correctly and I catapulted off the minotaur's head. He stopped and looked up. I threw my sword down. The tip hit him in the middle of his eyes and he dissinigeated  into gold sand.

By the time I was finished the hunters were also done fighting and were looking at me in surprise. I dusted myself off and got the minotaur horn of the floor and said," Shall we get going"

They got over their shock and started to go. I followed.

So that was typically a my first day.

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