Chapter 8: New Moms and Meeting the hunt.

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Percy POV

I woke up and I felt stronger strangely. I saw three pretty ladies looking down at me worriedly.

I felt a little dizzy and leaned against the one that was holding me. I looked at the bed and I knew that my mom was dead, but I refused to believe that she was gone. I saw that she wasn't breathing and I started to cry,

I cried for the loss of my mother. I cried because I was now an orphan ( I saw Smelly Gabe's body). I cried because I have no family left and no place to call home.

The lady that was holding in me started to soothe me and calm me down. Then I saw a man enter the room he looked like me.

He looked at my mom and I saw that he was trying not to cry but he cried. Gabe's body dissapeared in black smoke with a swish of the mans hands.

" Who are you? Who are all of you?''

They all explained to me that I was a  demigod and that the man was actually my dad. I was a little angry becasue my dad had left my mom and me with an abusive man. They then said that he couldn't be there for me because of laws. If one were to brake these laws then the child would face a horrible fate. I immediately understood.

I then wondered what would happen to me. My dad was leaving and before he left I noticed his wings, so I decieded to take mine out to show that I accept him as my father. My dad saw this and smiled as he left. I turned around to the three goddesses and they had a look of shock on their faces.

" Where will I go,'' I asked them.

Hera answered," Percy Hestia, Aritimes, and I have adopted you as our own son. You will stay with Aritimes because Hestia and I will not be able to keep you hidden from the rest of the council.''

 '' I'm confused. Why would you guys need to hide me from the rest of the council ?, '' I asked. Mostly because I am just  a demigod.

They all looked at each other as if debating weather or not telling me something.

3rd POV

The three goddesses had an agreement on the situation. They diecided that they would tell the boy now since he seems ready.

" Percy you aren't only the child of Thanatos you are also the son of all the male olimpians plus Hades . The council will think of you as a threat because of all the power you have. Also the gods have two sides to themselves. We have Greek and Roman aspects and we can't have a child of both aspects because when a Greek and Roman meet they will fight and they never get along. This will also cause problem because both sides may start to know of each other and this could leave in a war between them which would cause us to have to pick one side or the other,"

I completly understood but the part that really caught my attention was that my mom was raped by the gods. I was angry. I couldn't blieve that of all the people that my mom was their victum. '' Why would the gods do that to my mother? Can't they just keep their pants on for more than a day? They caused my mom so much pain and suffering because of it and she also payed with her life? Why would the gods be so crule?'' I asked.

The tree goddesses looked at him with a bit of pity, but also thought of their male relatives had done to the poor woman. They also knew that Percy was also a candidate for the great prophesy. They all new that he would need a lot of training to face all of it.

Then a black hole appeared and out steeped a man with a black suit. He was tall and had a powerful araw. The three goddesses stood up and bowed. The man said," No need to bow ladies. I am here to imform you about the boy, and his powers.''

" I have adopted the boy when he was born. I always wanted to have a child, but Thanatos doesn't know. I promesed him that I would bless him, but I also adopted him because he would need it. I also planned this before Sally was ... you know. The child is also a son of Kronos. Kronos possesed two of the Olyimpians into doing it. They were Poseidon and Hades. They tried to fight it but he was to powerful. I was easier for them to be possessed because they have a relation by blood and they were drunk. Luckily it only works on gods whom aren't in control of themselves not demigods." He leaned down to Percy and said,'' Percy you can forgive those two gods because they were forced to, and the only way to get away for you to growto be a strong warrior and hero is by forgiving them. You will be very powerful and this will help you along the way."

Percy nodded in understanding and he knew that he could forgive the two gods maybe even the rest but they would have to prove themselves worthy of his trust and forgiveness. '' I will sir, but will I be able to control part of the god's domains since I am their son?''

'' Yes you will. You will be able to control time to as well as create portals, sommon hell fire and alot of other things. Your wings are indestructible. The different colors represent different metals by the way. Silver for mortal metal, bronze for celestial bronze, gold for impirial gold, light black for Stygian Iron, and  finally black for chaos metal. Chaos metal can kill anything form primordial to mortals. I also give you this a sword that contains my blood, Stygian Iron, and Chaos metal." Percy stared at in wonder as he held it in his hands.

" You will have many powers Percy, but I must now go and I will try to come by to teach you to use most of your powers. Also when you take off a feather it will turn into any weapon you can think of and your feathers will always regrow every hour." With that he left leaving three shocked goddesses and one shocked demigod.

'' Percy lets go you will have to met my hunters," Artemis said. Before they left Percy hugged Hestia and Hera goodbye and called Hestia mommy and Hera Mother. Both goddesses were shocked but happy at the same time. They both said goodbye to their son.

Artemis flashes Percy and herself to a clearing in a woods.

"Percy hold my hand to show that I trust you okay. The girls are not that friendly towards males because of personal reasons. They will try to hurt you but I will take care of you remember that. I will take care of you now come on."

They walked into a camp and Lady Artemis said," Girls gather around I have some news for you."

All the girls got out of their tents and looked at their leader waiting for an announcement. Then "What is a filthy boy dong here at the camp. SHOOT AT HIM"

Lady Artemis didn't have time to cover him, but Percy did something that shocked the hunters. Percy got his wings out and hid behind them like a shield. All the Hunters stared at them in wonder and shock because all the arrows deflected off of them.

Artemis POV

"Girls why would you try to shoot a five year old. You all should be ashamed of your selves. Now I want you to apologize to him" I said.

" Mom it wasn't their fault. This is what they believe because a male had maltreated them, so they shouldn't be yelled at for following their instincts. I am a male so they acted accordingly, so technically  I should be apologizing to them for disturbing them by being here." Percy said. The Hunters looked at him in wonder and shock because other males would make others apologize to them and never apologize to others. Percy is different than other males that is why I adopted him.

" Percy, my son you don't need to apologize because they will be your new family." When I said this they looked shocked.
" Anyway girls this is Percy Jackson my new adopted son. His mother was murdered by his step father, and believe it or not Percy got up after being hit by a beer bottle to try to save his mother. He also took beatings for his mother so that she wouldn't be hurt. Hestia, Hera, and I have adopted him. He is also a demigod a son of Thanatos to be exact. So please treat him like you would any of your sisters."

''But milady he is a male. How do we know that he won't betray us or try to flirt with us when he grows up. His a filthy male after all,'' Atlanta one of my hunters said.

" Atlanta he is good and we can teach him our ways to make him the perfect male, now I will put him to sleep. I will be right back to tell you more about him." with that I left. I grabbed Percy's hand led him to my tent and summoned a bed for him to sleep on. When I was leaving I saw Percy shutting his eyes and entering the realm  of Hypnos.

I walk back to my hunters and I saw some of them looking conflicted because they want to follow my orders, but at the same time not because Percy is a male. When I had all of their attention I started to tell them Percy's life story and what he did for his dad. I also told them of this fathers.

All of the girls who had the same parents as Percy looked ashamed of being related to those males. I then told them of the abuse and most of them looked furious because who would that to a child even if it was a male. After I told them all of history they looked like they respected him and excepted him for doing all those things.

They all went to their tents to rest as did I . I went in and looked at my son. My son. I always wanted to have children but I couldn't because of my maiden hood oath and also all males were pigs. I looked at Percy and knew that he would be an amazing hero and son. I kissed his forehead and went to sleep.   

The Son of Many (Percy Jackson fanfiction [book 1]) The lightning ThiefOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz