Staff Meeting

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All fifteen staff members were sitting in the conference room waiting for Mr. Sliger to come in. While they wait, all the staff talked about many things, from sports to their children, and lesson ideas to field trip hopes.

Mr. Sliger walked in the room and stood by his chair. When the room became silent he began to speak. He said, "Good afternoon. I hope that you are all ready to influence the lives of our students, but before we begin would anyone like to open us in prayer?" Everyone looked around then Ms. Murray raised her hand.

Ms. Murray, with her ageing voice, began to pray, "Lord, thank you for allowing us to teach and influence so many young people. Thank you for bringing us back from break safely. Lord please bless this school year and bless all of these wonderful teachers. Please help them know what to say and how to show our students you. Allow this meeting to be productive. In your name we pray, Amen"

Mr. Sliger started to talk again, "Thank you Ms. Murray. Alright now first off thank you for welcoming me and my wife to be apart of your wonderful staff. I think this year will be a good one. We are in August now and I think the big trip should be in the beginning of November. This way the students get a fun learning experience before the breaks. I will be working on the specific details with the administration and give you all schedule plans soon. When thinking about this trip please think about what students will need clothing wise, school wise, and personal for them. Also keep in mind what you will need to teach them, and think about what lesson you will do. I am so excited to be able to do amazing things for and with the students.  We need to work as a team this year. We are in a transition year because I am new, but I am going to try and make it as smooth as possible."

Mr. Soto added in with, "We are here to support you. If you Mr. Sliger need anything, any of us will help. Now I have the list of class order, and who goes to what class each period. Make sure to get a copy before you leave. That is all I have to say."

Mr Sliger started again, "Thank you all for listening and let's make this year a good one. I know I already said that, but I want it to be true. Have a wonderful rest of you day and see you all tomorrow along with all the students."

The staff all got up and walked out the door, all chatting to one another.

Thanks for reading. I hope you will continue to enjoy as you read. Sorry for updating slowly, but I will try my best to be continually working on it.

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