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Master Windu looked unhappily at Padawan Kenobi and the Sith Apprentice Darth Maul. Padawan Kenobi was helping the doctor heal the Sith Apprentice's arm, in fact he was the only one who was touching the Sith Apprentice. Windu was sure this was some kind of trick. He needed to get the Sith alone some or at least away from Padawan Kenobi.
"Padawan Kenobi." Master Windu spoke up walking over to the Padawan.
"Yes Master Windu?" Obi-wan looked at him after checking on the bacta covering on the Sith Apprentice's ripped arm.
"Master Qui-gon is requesting to see you in the medical bay two levels up." Master Windu reported and watched as  the padawan looked at the Sith Apprentice.
"Maul, I have to go and see my master. Will you be fine down here without me?" Obi-wan asked and got a confused look from Maul. The look made Obi-wan think for a second.
"Alright Maul, think of this as a test. If you stay down here and let the doctors and healers heal you until the time I get back, I will reward you." Obi-wan said and Master Windu saw a spark of pride and happiness in the Sith Apprentice which he didn't like.
"Alright Kenobi sir. I will not fail you." The Sith Apprentice nodded at Padawan Kenobi than watched him leave the room leaving Maul, Master Windu, the doctors and the healers. Master Windu watched as the Sith Apprentice shifted his position into a meditative pose. Once Master Windu was sure Padawan Kenobi had left the level, he walked over to the doctors and healers and quietly dismissed them.
"Sith." Master Windu spoke and Maul kept his eyes closed remembering that his new master told him he didn't have to answer any more questions. It was only Maul and Master Windu and that concerned Maul. He heard Sidious' voice whispering in his head. Master Windu knew he would have to go to certain lengths to get the Sith Apprentice to answer him.
"If you do not answer my questions Sith, I will not permit Padawan Kenobi to see you anymore."  Master Windu said and Maul opened his eyes and looked around with his eyes to confirm that they were alone.
"Nothing will keep my master from me." Maul answered keeping a calm voice even though on the inside he was scared. He was alone with one Jedi who obviously didn't like him and from the corner of Maul's eyes, he could tell the door had been shut. Maul was cornered.
"If you do not cooperate with me, I will have the Jedi Council punish Padawan Kenobi." Master Windu threatened and Maul stood from the bed glaring at the Jedi Master. Even though Maul would call it a bluff, he couldn't stand losing his new Master. He was ready to face being punished himself than his master having to suffer for him.
"What do you want?" Maul hissed ready to attack this Jedi Master at a moments notice.
"Why are you trying to deceive everyone? Your master is dead. The Sith are dead now." Master Windu questioned Maul
"The Sith are not dead. There's..." Maul voice faded realizing that he was still in danger. His new master was in danger.
"You still think your a Sith?" Master Windu was confused at Maul's lack of his voice. The Jedi Master felt Maul's Force waver with fear. What did this Sith mean they're not dead if he doesn't consider himself a Sith anymore? There was only two. A master and an apprentice, Master Windu thought to himself before he saw the Sith Apprentice run to the door. The Sith Apprentice seemed to open the door with no problem. Windu ran after Maul. Where in the Force was the Sith trying to go?! Master Windu realized that the apprentice was running to the elevator and he was able to pull Maul behind him, placing himself between Maul and the elevator. Maul growled at the Jedi but stopped suddenly when he felt a dark and sinister force come near the planet. Maul looked up at the ceiling as if he could see the ship. Not long after Maul could feel it Master Windu could too and so could all of the Jedi on Coruscant. Something was coming. Something pure evil. It kept its distance by orbiting the planet.
Master Windu looked at Maul and he looked purely terrorized by this feeling. He didn't even try running, he stood there frozen.
"Sith. What is that?" Master Windu asked Maul who didn't look down at him.
"My Lord." Was all Maul said not looking away from the ceiling. Master Windu started taking steps to Maul until he felt Maul's own darkness cover his paralyzing fear.
"Padawan Kenobi. Get down here immediately." Master Windu spoke into his comm link.

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