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Obi-wan ran through the lower level hearing the alarm go off. He could feel Maul's fear and sensed that the Jedi Masters were also looking for Maul. He had to find Maul before them. Maul would only listen to him. Maybe he was the only one to calm him.
Maul ran to the elevator that brought him down and he pressed the button to summon the elevator. He heard it arrive on the floor, but the doors didn't open. He tried to pry open the door to the elevator, but he could hear footsteps. His body shook with adrenaline and he abandoned the elevator. He ran to all of the rooms he passed and he saw one of them led to another hallway. He kept running until he couldn't anymore. He wouldn't let himself stop. He pushed his body to keep going. His vision was fading in and out and his chest was tight. He could hardly breath. He stumbled into a room and went to one of the corners. He fell in the corner holding his head. He looked around and he had no clue where in the Temple he was. He felt like he ran up many stairs. Was he still in the basement? He couldn't tell any more. He tried catching his breath but his chest was too tight. Was this a punishment? No his new master would never do something like this!
Jedi are never to be trusted. They may seem harmless at first, but all they want to do is kill anyone who has more power than they do.
Sidious' voice rang through his head as he heard the beats of his own hearts in his ears. He wanted it to end now!

Obi-wan was sure he had been looking for Maul for over an hour. Zabraks surely ran fast. He's looked into every room he had encountered.
"Maul!" He shouted hoping he would get some kind of response. He kept running and looking into rooms until he saw that there was a door already open. He quickly ran into the room and saw Maul curled up in the corner. His cheeks were wet, had he been crying? Obi-wan thought to himself. Maul was clutching his head and taking rapid breaths.
"Maul." He announced himself hoping Maul would hear him this time. He slowly approached the Sith. Maul seemed like he still couldn't hear Obi-wan. Once Obi-wan was close enough he got into his knees.
"Maul." Obi-wan repeated as he watched Maul shake with fear and from his rapid breaths. He had to calm him down.
"Maul." Obi-wan repeated again and touched the Zabrak's wrist. Maul jumped and fought against Obi-wan's touches. Maul went to grab Obi-wan's hand from his wrist until Obi-wan grabbed that wrist as well. Maul struggled against Obi-wan, trying to pry himself away to run again. Maul pushed Obi-wan onto his back and it became a test of strength for Obi-wan as he wrestled to get Maul under control.
As Obi-wan struggled underneath Maul he quickly caught on that Maul wasn't trying to hurt him at all. Not one bit. And the padawan was quickly able to pin Maul. Obi-wan sat on Maul's stomach and held his wrists on either side of Maul's head.
"Maul!" Obi-wan struggled to keep the the Sith pinned.
"Maul, you must calm down!" He tried using commands at Maul trying to see if that would get through to him, but he kept struggling.
"Maul!" Obi-wan repeated and Maul looked at Obi-wan as he kept struggling.
"Master?" Maul spoke with a shaky voice between his sharp breaths.
"I am here Maul. You must calm yourself." Obi-wan told him and Maul started quickly looking around as if he was looking at faces around them.
"No Maul! Look at me. Only me." Obi-wan told him and Maul looked at him still slightly struggling with his rapid breaths.
"I... can't, breath." Maul said as he tried to calm himself. Obi-wan got off of him and helped Maul sit up. The Sith's eyes started to look around again.
"Maul, look at me." Obi-wan stand kneeling in front of the Sith.
"You have to take deep breaths." Obi-wan said and Maul shook his head. He could hardly breath taking a deep breath was nearly impossible for him to do.
"You have to Maul. Here, take deep breaths with me." Obi-wan said and after a while of regaining Maul's fading focus and getting him to take deep breaths, Maul could finally feel like he could breath normally. He ripped off a piece of his tunic and tied it around Maul's arm where it he had ripped the needle from. Maul's body shivered as he was still calming himself down.
"Come on Maul, we must return to the doctors and healers to fix your arm." Obi-wan said helping Maul stand on his shaky legs.
"Must I keep answering their questions?" Maul asked while taking more deep breaths.
"No Maul, you don't need to answer any more questions. No matter what they say." Obi-wan said as he held onto on of Maul's arms helping him walk and guide his way.
"Thank you, master." Maul said as his legs shook and vision was blurry as he walked. Obi-wan sighed at Maul calling him master, but it was small steps at a time. He was calling him Kenobi so it's a partial victory.
"You're welcome Maul."

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