Chapter Two - As The World Falls Down

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   Jude turned away, swallowing the lump in her throat. "This can't be happening." She muttered. Sam frowned and began driving faster. "We have to get you home, now."


   Sam drove dangerously over the speed limit, knowing that it wasn't important at the moment. He had to get Jude to the White House, and fast. As they sped down the crowded road, they both saw buildings beginning to crumble and collapse. "This is terrible." Jude muttered, her eyes glazing over with tears. Sam looked at her and tried giving a reassuring expression. "We're gonna be safe." He said with such confidence that Jude couldn't help but believe him. "Okay." She nodded and smiled. He smiled back and focused on his driving once more, only to notice the car was slowing down.

   "What happened?" Jude sat up straighter, eyes wide in alarm. Sam took a deep breath and hopped out, motioning to Jude to do the same. "We are gonna have to arm ourselves. The car just... stopped working." He opened the trunk. "So we're gonna run. Run until we find a functioning car." He pulled out a small handgun and handed it to her. "Think you can handle it?" She inspected it closely and nodded. "Yes, I can." Sam smiled and pat her shoulder. "Good." He got a slightly larger handgun for himself and looked around. "Follow me, and stay very close." He whispered as he walked. Jude walked behind him, gun raised. Soon, they came across a small hoard of creatures. "Sam!" Jude cried out, pointing her gun at them. Sam pointed as well, aiming cautiously. "Fire!" He yelled, shooting at their heads. Jude shot at them as well, surprising Sam with how precise her shooting was.

   When there was nothing left to shoot at, Sam grabbed her by the hand. "Let's keep going!" He said as he began sprinting. Jude followed, shooting at creatures as they ran.

   Eventually, they came across an abandoned car with its headlights on. "Here!" Sam pointed to the car and motioned her to get in. After he got in as well, Sam turned the keys in the ignition and laughed when it turned on. "Let's get you home." He said, speeding off.

   Getting to the White House, they hurried off and ran through the gates. "In here, Jude!" Sam called when she was running to the main doors. Jude saw that Sam was heading to the back and ran over to him. "What are you doing, Sam?" "Your dad told me that there's a different entrance this way." He motioned her to follow.

   He led her to a door covered by huge bushes. "Wow, this isn't suspicious at all." She said, sarcasm laced in her voice. Sam rolled his eyes at her and opened the door for her. "Go inside."

   They ran through the halls to the oval office, barging once they were there. "Dad!" Jude cried. Brock turned, eyes wide. "Jude!" He opened his arms for her, which she ran into. After a while, he pushed back and grabbed her by the shoulders. "Sweetheart, I need you to leave the room. I need to talk to Sam for a bit." She nodded and hugged him one more time before running out. Sam looked at Brock, standing straight. "Yes, sir?" Brock pulled out a syringe from his pocket and handed it to Sam. "Take this, please." Sam looked at it with wide eyes. "Sir, what is--" "It's an anicdote. When the time comes, please give this to Jude." Brock rushed his words as creatures began breaking through the window. "Keep hold of this until the time is right, and take Jude to Kansas!" He shoved a paper in his hands with an address written on it. "Mitchell and the kids are already there, waiting for Jude." He continued, pushing a very worried and concerned Sam forward. "Go!" Just as Sam made it through the door, a creature grabbed Brock by the leg and yanked him down.

   Jude turned to Sam at the sound of the struggle. "Where's dad!?" She cried, eyes widening when she saw behind him. "Dad, no!" She began running forward only to be picked up by Sam. "We have to go, Jude!" "No, please! We have to help him!" Jude watched as her father was being torn to shreds.

   "Sam, please! Let me go!"

   "I can't!"


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