day 10: happy songs

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"it's such a waste, when little girls grow into their mother's face. but little girls are learning how to cut and paste and pucker up their lips until they suffocate."

- mrs. potato head 

melanie martinez 

so, I really like this song because it really shows how ridiculous the beauty standards are for today. the line above hits me the hardest because it shows how people aren't happy with the way they look and the face they have inherited from their mother. even though this song is a little dark, it's nothing but the truth and it reminds me that the standards some people believe we should live up to are insane and unhealthy. it reminds me that I should just be myself because, in the end, that's how I will be the happiest. 

"but there's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark. you should know you're beautiful just the way you are. and you don't have to change a thing, the world could change its heart. no scars to your beautiful, we're stars and we're beautiful."

- scars to your beautiful

alessia cara

this song has always been so important to me because it rings the message loud and clear that we don't have to change anything about ourselves to be beautiful. we don't have to lose or gain weight, we don't have to wear makeup, we don't have to make scars in our skin, and we don't have to wish to be someone other than ourselves. the world can change how it looks at us and defines us, but we should never have to change to try and make the world pleased. the world isn't worth the pain of trying to make yourself someone you're not.

"I see you dressed in white. every wrong made right. I see a rose in bloom at the sight of you. oh, so priceless. irreplaceable, unmistakable, incomparable. darling, it's beautiful. I see it all in you. oh, so priceless."

- priceless

for king and country 

okay, but really. if you have never heard this song and you struggle with self-worth please please please go give it a listen. this song came out right around the time that I went through a really terrible breakup about a year and a half ago. that's when most of my issues with my self-worth started happening because I had built how I saw myself around how this guy saw me, but then he left and with him went my self-worth (p.s. do not ever find your worth in another guy or girl). so when I first heard this song I would listen to it every night before I fell asleep just to remind myself that I was not what I saw in the mirror and that I was, I am, priceless! the song has such a beautiful message behind it and it is so beautifully written. one of my all time favorite happy songs. 


alright, friends! this ends the 10-day body positivity challenge for me! I've really enjoyed doing this and it really has helped to just sit down and think about what I do love about myself and how I can fix things to help love myself more. sometimes the world we live in today seems to think that if we love ourselves and find things we like about ourselves we are being selfish or prideful, but that isn't true. self love is one of the most important things a person could have. thank y'all for reading this and being so nice. if you do this challenge please let me know so I can read yours too! see you around, kids. 

p.s. I'm currently writing a new josh dun fanfic, but I'm trying to get a few more chapters written before I start to publish it, so keep an eye out for "seeing in color"

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