I knelt down besides Sasuke and put my hands on his chest.
"There's no heart beat" I mentioned to myself.
Looking over his still body I saw senbon needles. As soon as I saw them, I realised what Haku had done and I laughed.
"He's still the same old Haku alright"

I began to pull them out, and as I pulled the last one out, i felt a heart beat. Sasuke was all cut up and was pale. I decided to heal him, if he has this much potential then it would be obvious that I would want to save him.

"Shiro, I need to borrow some of your strength. I can't do it by myself yet" I asked outloud this time, since noone was around..yet anyways.
'Of course milday, are you going to use that to save this boys life?' Shiro asked.
I nodded "Yes, I want to help him"
'I see, ok then. Get ready milady'
I nodded again in understanding of what to do.

Closing my eyes i concentrated on my chakra, the flow of it and it's power. I lifted my right hand to my mouth (A/N the way sasuke does when he does his fire jutsu) and took in a large breath. I held it for 3 seconds before blowing it out.

White chakra, that looked like fire, covered Sasukes body. It was as if he was on fire, but he wasn't. This jutsu is called 'Inochi No Iki' (Breath of life). It's like medical ninjutsu, however at the same time it isn't.

This jutsu heals anything. Broken bones, untreatable illness, anything.. you name it. Shiro had taught me this jutsu herself, it takes up a lot of chakra, and you need to be able to control that chakra to the best of your ability. However, there is a secret to this jutsu that noone knows (Not many know of it anyway) This jutsu can even bring the dead to life.. but, there are consequences when doing so, so I havn't yet used it.

I heared Sakura coming over just as the fire burned out. At that moment I disappeared and reappeared near Kakashi. It was a weird sight for my eyes. At the edge of the bridge was a VERY short old man with a group of thugs surrounding him.
'That must be the "gato" person i've heard so much about' I said to noone in particular.

"Did quite a job on you didn't he Zabusa" the short man began "You look like yesterday's Sashimi"
I glanced over to where Kakashi and Zabusa stood. It looked as though his arms were broken and he has lost a lot of blood.
From in front them I saw a body. It belonged to Haku.
'So Haku had died.. well, at least he did so the way he wanted to' Shiro said in a sad tone.
'I agree, he would have done anything for Zabusa. Hey shiro maybe we could-'
'I'm sorry milady, but I will not allow you to do that. There is to much of a risk'
I sighed and nodded in understanding.

When I got back from my conversation with Shiro, I saw Gato closer to Haku's lifeless body. It was obvious to me, what he was going to do. So, in a matter of seconds I disappeared and reappeard in front of Haku to take the hit.

It didn't matter to me that i just got kicked in the face, It wasn't as if it hurt. After all, I no longer feel pain, I can no longer get hurt. My dragon mark keeps me alive.

Feeling angry I kicked at his legs, which made him fall sideways and lifted Haku's body. With that done i disappeared and reappeard again, this time I was kneeling next to Kakashi as I placed Haku down on the cold concrete.

I sighed as I looked at his peaceful face.
'Are you sure I can't just-' I was about to finish that sentence when Shiro cut me off.
'No, i'm sorry milady. But, it's just to risky'
I sighed again and didn't respond to her order. I caressed haku's cheek and leant down to whisper in his ear "Haku.. you were happy right?" I wanted to cry, but kept it in. As they say, a ninja should never show their emotions.

After Naruto's speach to Zabusa, Zabusa himself started to cry. I was shocked, never had I seen him let out such emotions in front of this many people before.
"Your words cut deep, deeper than any blade" He stated as he gazed up into the cloudy sky "While he fought you, his heart was breaking in two. Haku was always to soft and to kind. He felt pain and sorrow, and now I feel them too" Zabusa bit off the bandages wrapped around his mouth. His sharp teeth were now showing.

"Are you so suprised to discover that i'm human? Even shinobi are human, no matter how hard we try to escape that simple fact. We always fail.." He smiled "..Well at least, I have failed"

"Boy, give me your kunai!" It looked like naruto didn't want to give it to him, but did so anyway. Zabusa caught it in his mouth and charged towards Gato and his group of thugs.

Gato was now scared sh*tless and ran towards the back of his thugs.
"That enough. Do it, kill him now" He shouted to his men.

Zabusa killed many, however, getting stabbed multiple times in his back in the process. No matter how much blood he was losing, he kept on going with the intent to kill Gato. No matter how much I wanted to give him my help, this was his fight.

Gato got cut with a kunai many about 3 times before being pushed of the bridge, Zabusa on the other hand was still at the edge, watching him fall. The thugs moved no more, they stood still like statues as Zabusa walked back through them towards Haku's lifeless body. It was possible for me to heal him, but I had a feeling that this was what was supposed to happen.

Zabusa fell limp to the ground, face first. I looked down at Haku and picked him up once again. I walked over to Zabusa carefully, making sure not to disturb his peaceful rest. When I arrived at where he lay I placed Haku by his side.

The rest of the thugs began to charge towards us, Kakashi was about to fight when out of nowhere an arrow was shot before them.
"Before you set one foot in our village, you'll have to go through us" I turned my head to see the whole village there, looking as if they were ready for war.

I laughed as Kakashi made over a dozen clones and they all spoke at the same time. Really, it was quite the specticle. As the thugs finally left it began to snow. I allowed one tear to fall as I remembered how in Haku's country, it would snow all year round.

"NARUTO! Over here, look it's Sasuke. He's alright, he's alright" I turned to see Sasuke standing next to Sakura, not a scratch on him. It was as if they didn't even notice that he was healed. I chuckled and walked away from the group. However, not before getting a weird look from Sasuke himself.
'Well it seems someone is suspicious' I laughed again and smiled as I began walking to Tsunami's house.

"I hope were going to go to konoha soon, dont you Shiro?" I asked outloud.
'I agree, some of my kind have visited there i their human forms before and when they returned they told us wonderful stories. I'm sure you'll love it as well!' I grinned and nodded before running off.

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