Chapter 17: Fist fights

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A/N: I know, I'm a terrible human being for not updating in weeks but it was Christmas and all that- apparently now It's 'Antisocial' to spend New Years writing in my room... Please don't hate me, I hope you enjoy this action-packed chapter and the next one should be up very soon. I've been putting off the events of next chapter for literally months and I'm so excited (if cringing a bit) AHHHH! #BetYouCantGuessWhat 😏😏😏😉
Remember, as always, to vote, comment, follow and enjoy! 💀❤️

Interrogation had begun.

Yeah- sounds pretty badass.
10 minutes in, and I'm already starting to get a bit...bored. Sure, I've been in many unsavoury situations before. (with much uglier people most of the time) but this was my first interrogation.
I was honestly almost a little disappointed they haven't made me bleed yet..

We'd been over the basics; my name, age, what I was doing in the pouring rain in the woods at dawn wearing only my undergarments..
I imagine it was at this point I had begun to protect Loveday, of course- but also since, as I said, I was bored. Besides, its not like they could tell- I'm good at it and they're stupid. Pretty useful combination if you ask me.

I mean, most of what I told them was the truth, anyway..

-My name is Kat.
-I am 17 years of age (nearly 18).
-I was in the woods looking for my lost dog.
-Robin is an asshole.
-I live with my mother in the nearby village.

But allas, for some strange reason, they weren't completely satisfied by my final two answers..

..And as of now, I had Sleepy Trevor- who, as I have discovered the hard way, really should be labelled Angry Randy- furiously delivering sharp kicks to my abdomen as I lie sprawled in the cold, hard corner. Gritting my teeth, I try my hardest not to but a few pained shouts let slip as his foot collides again, and again with my unprotected ribs. I want so badly to lash out and stop him hurting me- but I hold myself back as hard as I can. I need to wait.

"That's enough." States Robin cooly from across the room, all previous joking demeanour gone. But I don't miss the odd look in his eyes as they lock with mine- it makes him uncomfortable, seeing me like this.

He almost looks a little... ashamed..

..Not like Randy, then.

"You got off lucky this time, girlie." Angry Randy sneers, pulling his leg back quickly for one last blow.

But this time, I'm ready.

Meer seconds before his foot meets my face, I learch my entire body backwards- both avoiding the kick and quickly managing to grab his boot- pulling it back with me in one fluid motion. Using all my body weight, I continue to move back and pull him, having lost his balance, straight onto the hard ground with a graceful thud. In a second, whilst I have the upper hand, I hastily crawl over to him and fist his hair, lifting his head of the ground.

And before anyone else can so much as begin reacting to my sudden attack, I begin vigorously slamming his head into the ground, again and again.

Soon I'm hearing the shouts from his fellow cronies harmonising beautifully with the loud, sickening crunch of breaking bone. Smirking slightly, I watch the a small red pool begin to spill out across the dirty stone floor from behind his unconscious, pale head as it is crashed relentlessly onto the ground.

But quickly, seeing how close the other boys have advanced, I let his head fall back to the ground with one final thud and splatter of blood to grab the knife from his belt. Swiftly standing, twiddling it between my fingers idly, all members of the gang come to a halt in their advances. Freezing completely.

I gaze at them challengingly- daring one of them to move. Silently hoping someone does.
I guess it brings it all back- fighting like that. The memories, the thrill.

The bloodlust.

"A, ah, ah.." I warn a boy that has stepped too close, addressing him with a large, mocking smile and bright eyes- along with my shiny new knife, of course. Which I hold outstretched, inches from his face, and glinting manically in the dimly lit cell. "Maybe not the best idea..." I nod to the blood-soaked boy in the corner of the cell. "..Didn't you see what I did to the last one?"

"Put the knife down, Kat." Upon hearing my name, I instantly know it must be Robin. Only he would have the arrogance to address me like a scolding parent when I hold a knife to his men.
Even so- I'll make him pay.

I turn to look at him, smiling brightly.

"You know what Robin? I think I will." I state grandly, tossing it into my corner, much to his astonishment. "After all- who needs a knife when you have a good ol', solid pair of fists and charisma, eh?"

And without any further warning, I tackle the boy nearest to me, knocking him to the ground as we instantly begin to engage in a bloody battle of flying fists and trying to roll on top of each other. But this fight is, unlike my first victim, pretty tough- considering the fact that 'Asshole' (as I has Christened earlier) almost immediately jumped in to help.

To be perfectly honest, I thought he would've sooner- I could practically feel his twitching fingers wrapped around my throat as he had glared at me for the last hour. So when he finally gave in to his burning need to beat the crap out if me, I was almost overpowered. Two v one isn't exactly playing by the rules.

But thankfully, back in the day, neither were rounds in the ring.

I had just managed to get one of them into a headlock whilst simultaneously straddling the other when Robin swiftly had decided to put an end to the fight.
Spoil sport.

And as another two boys swamped me, I was lifted straight off my feet and forced to stand before Robin as I writhed and wriggled, seething in anger. I glared at him in fury through the messy red strands that had fallen from my plait and into my vision- yet not able to obscure the message in my eyes, clear as day.
I. Hate. You.

But, to my upmost confusion, he does something truly unexpected- he grins.

"My, my, darling! And I thought I was bad tempered.." He muses, smiling down proudly at my storm-cloud face. Clearly now revelling in the fact he had worn away at my cool and calm demeanour.

"And I won't lie to you, Kat.." He says, addressing me with my name as he leans down to breathe into my ear. "That little stunt back there, was a massive turn on."

My face reddens, from further anger or embarrassment, I do not know.

Oh god, why did he have to be so damn cute??

He sends me a sly wink, and all I can grit my teeth and wish death upon him through my eyes.

Screw him, with his gorgeous dark eyes and great hair...

"Well, princess- as entertaining it is to watch a cute girl in her underwear beat the shit out of grown men, I'm afraid going to have to cut to the chase." He smirks mockingly, stepping closer once again and placing a knuckle beneath my chin, forcing me to stare straight up into his eyes- which I now found were in dangerous proximity to my own.

"Where is Loveday, Kat?"

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