Chapter 7: They don't need to know

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A/N: Hiya, please don't forget to follow, vote and enjoy. Yh the quote is random and not my edit. But i love inception sooo... (^~•) 💀❤️

After standing there for a while, I managed to collect my thoughts and walk over to where Bartem was still groaning on the ground- clutching himself like a sulking child.

"Get up." I demand. I have no patience for his childish antics today.

Shoving him with my boot, he let out another moan. Somehow managing to shuffle slowly to his feet. Finally he stood there, avoiding my eyes.

Suddenly- my mind goes back to the red haired girl who- did I mention- JUST WALKED AWAY.

Now, It is my turn to groan. Holding my head in my hand, I think about what father will say when he finds out. I open my eyes.

If.   He finds out.

I quickly grab the front of Bartem's shirt, pulling him down to my eye level and abruptly ending his babbling about 'the mean fire-head fairy'.

This guy is wacked up. One minuet he's leering at her like a creepy old man, the next he's cursing her like a 5 year old.

"Listen here, you thick headed twat." I  start coldly. "No one can know about what happened today. NO ONE."

"But you said-"

"You think I care what I said?" I cut him off.  "What I'm saying is that NO ONE CAN KNOW. Got it?!" I glare down at him. He shrinks back.

"Or maybe I'll just tell every girl in the village you got beat up by a 'fairy'." I smirk. His eyes widen.

He mumbles an agreement and I release his shirt, stomping into the woods. He follows me blindly- he always does. Probably doesn't know the way home from here.

I think as I walk. What was it she had said?

'I'll shove your bollocks so far up your arse you'll choke on your own cum.'


I like it.


After leaving the boys at the clearing, I had done a little more exploring before heading home. Hopping from branch to branch. I've figured its smarter to travel up here where I can't be tracked.

I finally get back to the cave, slipping inside soundly. Loveday was still out. Thank God.

I flop down on my bed, able to relax now I'm alone. But I can't stop thinking about those guys.... in particular.

I remember the way he looked at me- obviously shocked, then a little strangely. I've seen that look before. And it rarely ends well...


He will think about me more now, god knows WHAT he's thinking- but it'll be about me.

I think about the other guy, who's name I don't know. I remember how he was looking at me too.


It felt pretty good hitting him- and threatening him. And generally just confusing them too.
I am strange around people.

I never know how to act. I behave certain way-depending on my mood-Then I forget how I act around who and pretty soon I've forgotten who I was originally.

It's awfully confusing. For me and them.

I wonder what Robin thinks of me?

It was hard to tell. His eyes were very guarded (and far away). I couldn't see into them like I wanted to until he came up close. Even then I had to look up to see them.
He was at least 6ft 2, which is tall- me being 5ft 7 ish.

His eyes were dark, like his hair. Wild and mysterious(ly sexy). Shut up brain.

(No you shut up.)




I sigh- what the fuck is wrong with me. I shut my eyes just as someone walks in.

"Hey kiddo!" She calls happily from the other room.

"Heyyyyy." Is my loud, lively reply.

She turns to me, eyes bright. Someones in a good mood.

"Sorry for being out so long! What did you do all day?!" She hurriedly asks.
An oddly good mood.

I turn to her, smiling sweetly.

"Nothing much.."

She smiles back and turns to unload her basket.

A small smirk starts to form on my face.


What she doesn't know won't hurt her.

Curiosity Killed The Kat || Robin De Noir x OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora