Dimples (Wayhaught)

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Waverly smiled as she saw Nicole run around, smiling. Her dimples made it all the cuter. It was the most adorable feature of her face and Waverly constantly made her smile just to  see them. They made the badass, hot as fuck, insanely sweet Nicole Haught, more adorable than she already was which Waverly thought was impossible.

Which is why when Nicole was laughing at a joke Wynonna told about some woman in a bar, Waverly was watching Nicole rather than paying attention to the joke. There was one thing that Waverly liked just a bit more than the dimples which was the look she was getting right now.

It could be mistaken for innocent, but she knew that it was anything but that. It was the look Nicole almost always had before they did something and Waverly wasn't sure what made Nicole want to do this, she wasn't complaining.

"Wynonna I'm leaving, are you gonna be okay?" Waverly asked and her older sister nodded. "Okay bye love you."

"Bye Waverly." Wynonna said and Nicole followed Waverly to the car before pushing her up against it and kissing her. They got in the car and drove to Nicole's place which is apparently where Nicole wanted to be.

Nicole kissed Waverly and smiled which was when Waverly caught a glimpse of the cop's dimples and smiled to herself. Nicole must've noticed because she smiled even more and then began kissing her neck. The entire time a slight grin, just enough to make the dimples clearly visible, but not get in the way.

"You're cute." Waverly said and Nicole smiled. "Seriously, your dimples and the way you do some things."

"Waverly, you weren't looking at me like I was cute earlier." Nicole said and Waverly blushed.

"I wasn't just thinking you were cute earlier." Waverly said and Nicole smiled, kissing her cheek and cuddling into Waverly.

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