"God, you're a grumpy Alpha," she rolls her eyes and follows Lucas down the hall towards my office.

"Lucas never said you were so strict," she mutters catching up with Lucas.

I close the door softly of my familiar study.

"Lucas what happened?" I ask sitting behind my mahogany desk, on an old leather chair that had been there since before my father was Alpha. It was still comfy but worn.

Auralei sits across from me, I can feel her stare but I ignore it and just look at Lucas. He too sits down.

"Chris, Frankie and I were in the woods when we heard a howl. We helped Auralei,"

"I didn't ask for your stupid help. I was doing just fine on my own,"

"Yeah you were doing just great," Lucas says sarcastically. I sigh, I have a child as a mate.

"How old are you?" I ask Auralei.

"Why?" she glares.

"I'm twenty two in six months," I say with a half hearted smiled.

"I'm sixteen and ten months old," she looks anywhere but in my eyes. I catch the glimpse though, the glimpse of pain and fury. She's been through a lot, I can tell that much.

"What pack did you run away from?"

She turned her gaze to me, anger so furious it almost makes me flinch. Almost.

"Run away from?" she growls, "you think I ran away?" she gives a humourless laugh, "I am a moron."

"So?" I prompt, Lucas stays quiet watching us.

"I didn't run away," she looks at me intensely, "my pack were murdered. I was in the Pinewood pack. I heard there screams as they perished in the fire. My pack were still inside. My father, my twin brother, my mother, my cousins, my pack in the fire. The hunters..." she clenches her fists. She is trying not to cry.

"My Alpha saved me," she smiles fondly at this, "my father was Alpha. He was a good Alpha. You might remember him Alpha Kellan," she is proud of her father.

"You know what makes it worse. It was our birthday. Sam and I," she lowers her head looking at her chest. I see the tears fall wetting the shirt she wears. My shirt. She doesn't wipe them, or sob. She simply lets the tears fall.

"Chris provoked her," Lucas says softly, "he called her father a prick."

"I remember Alpha Kellan when I was a kid," I say, "he was a good Alpha."

She looks up at my words, "when may I leave?" she whispers.

My wolf howls at the thought of our mate leaving but I understand her decision. I, however, will not accept it.

"Never," I say challenging her.

"Why Alpha Lycan if I didn't know better I'm beginning to think you like me?" she taunts a smile smile playin on her lips. It's enough to make my heart melt.

"Of course I do," I look into her eyes, I see a glimmer of a shine in them. That glimmer gives me hope that I can fix this beautiful wolf.

"You found your mate?" Lucas looks between us understanding dawning on his face, "congrats big bro."

"How can you tell?" she asks him.

"My brother never banters and his eyes have soften towards you,"

 I realize he's right, I don't banter. I am the Alpha after all.

I see my mate tapping her foot, clenching her fists and biting her lip. Then I hear it. She blushes as her stomach growls.

"Are you hungry little mate?" I ask.

She doesn't say anything, "may I go for a run?" she looks at me.

"Whatever for?"

"I need to hunt my next meal," she says through gritted teeth, "I don't have the luxuries of a house."

"Kora has my favourite made. Come on," I head out first leaving my mate with my younger brother.


I have never in my life seen someone eat that fast. She stuffs each mouthful in until she licks the bowl. She had trouble with her knife and fork. She kept dropping them. I'll have to take her to a finishing school, or something like that.

"May I have some more?" she asks looking at Kora.

"Sure sweetheart help..." Auralei s already up though and putting more food on her bowl.

"This is the best food I've ever had," she says, "thank you."

Matt gives her a pitiful look, she just glares at him stuffing more food in her mouth.

"It's not that fancy," Kora says smiling proudly at her creation.

"Yes, but once you've eaten rabbit and squirrel for ten months. This looks like heaven," she gags, "where's the bathroom?"

"Down the hall to the left,"

She runs before I am even finished. She slams the door shut. Then I hear the sound of vomiting.

"Poor kid," Kora says, "I like her though. She has a truth of air about her."

"She's my mate," I find myself saying.

"Your mate?" Kora laughs happily and gives my hand a quick squeeze, "congratulation you've got a wild one."

Then I hear the front door slam. I run after my mate as she shifts, she's a beautiful white wolf. Not a spot of dark on her. I however am a pure black wolf, taking after my father.

I change into my wolf chasing after my mate.


Was it okay? Let me know, thanks for reading.

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