Sharrkan || Beach Day ||

Start from the beginning

          "Who?" (Y/N) demanded, almost readying in a fight stance. Pisti sounded alarmed, so she didn't know what to think. 

         "Sharrkan!" she yelled, smiling happily. The generals and Sinbad looked to each other in triumphant smirks, and (Y/N) was left clueless. What weren't they telling her? What had they planned?

          Sharrkan walked into view with a small smile. His mood seemed to be changing for the better already. (Y/N) went red upon seeing him on only his trunks, but she didn't notice him turn red when he saw her. She lifted a hand slightly and waved to him, a smile falling over her lips. 

          He looked good. 

          "Hot," Sharrkan said once he walked up to the others, eyes trained on (Y/N). He shook his head and quickly added while looking away, "It's hot. I mean, it's hot outside." Pisti giggled evilly and grabbed Hinahoho's arm.

          "Throw us into the ocean, Hina!" she said, winking slightly. He grinned back and lifted her up into the air. 

          "Ready?" he asked. Pisti cheered in response, and he threw her into the water several, several meters out. She flipped in the air and dove into the water. She resurfaced and gave a thumbs up laughing. Hinahoho turned back to the others and placed his hands on his hips. "You're all going in that way," he said, "so who's going next?"

          One by one they were all launched into the ocean. Hinahoho even managed to throw Sinbad and Masrur pretty far. Sharrkan, claiming he was NOT going to be thrown, was eventually chucked into the warm waters. He came back up spitting out water with a disgusted face, but he began laughing uncontrollably before looking up with wide eyes to see (Y/N) coming straight at him. 

          They both screamed. 

          (Y/N) landed in the water just right in front of Sharrkan, and she resurfaced and shook her head, wiping the water from her face, and she began giggling uncontrollably. Sharrkan's heart leapt in his chest.She reached out and placed her hand on his wet shoulders, giving a last giggle. "Sorry, I'm not the best swimmer. I might get tired if I don't have someone to help me." The others were farther away, so it was just the two of them swimming alone. Actually, they began swimming away from the two!

          "O-oh, yeah," Sharrkan stuttered. "Sure." She was warm. And soft. And she smiled nice mixed with the salty waters. He placed his hands on her sides and helped her stay afloat, silently thanking God for the chance to hold her. 

          "You have nice hands," (Y/N) noted. 

          "You do, too," Sharrkan. "And you have nice sides. You're. . .plushy."

        "That better not be a fat joke."

          Sharrkan's eyes widened. "N-no! Not at all! I mean, you're soft, and I like it! You're not fat! I swear, you're like a twig." He was going to keep rambling on, but (Y/N)'s laughing cut him short, and he felt his face heat up. 

          "So you're saying you like touching my sides?" she laughed, eyes narrowing teasingly. 

          "Well, I mean, you in general," he answered, looking away. God, she made him feel so awkward. (Y/N) quickly pushed herself away and dove under the water. She swam under him then behind him, and came back up to wrap her arms around his chest from the back side. Sharrkan's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. 

          "I like touching you, too, then," she said. He couldn't practically feel her smiling against his ear. 

          "Oh, kiss already, dammit!" The two looked up to see Ja'far swimming in place with a hand clamped over his mouth. He went red while the others laughed at him for yelling what they all wanted to say. 

          "I'm up for it," Sharrkan said immediately without thinking. 

          "Whoa, really?" (Y/N) asked. "Kiss me? Of all people?"

          "I literally wouldn't want to kiss anyone else in the world." Go big or go home as they say. (Y/N) grabbed Sharrkan's head and turned it just enough so she could lean forward and plant a kiss on his lips. It was salty from the water, but neither of them complained. 

         They sank into the water because they were so occupied with their kiss that they forgot to keep swimming. Bubbled escaped their lips as they laughed under the water. Once they came back up and spat out the saltwater, Sharrkan timidly said, "Hey, uh, I'm surprised you haven't really noticed, but I'm kind of head over heels for you."

          "And I'm over the moon for you," (Y/N) said back. Sharrkan laughed, heart pounding, and kissed her again. 


This has been in my drafts for literally two months. UGH

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