Seconds passed. It felt like hours. Riley wasn't saying anything. I wasn't either. We were just breathing, as if our breathing alone said all we wanted to say.

"I have to go", Riley finally said.

Those weren't the words I wanted to hear. I could feel the wave of disappointment wash over me. I nodded slowly; at least I tried. Riley still had his forehead against mine, making it hard for me to move. I ended up hitting him slightly.

He chuckled. The sound was so melodious I was mesmerized. Finally, our foreheads separated, breaking contact that had been comfortable. I was now forced to look into his eyes; forced to see the expressions on his face. I wasn't ready for that.

"I...uh, I have to go", he said.

"You've kind of already said that", I said smiling a little, just a little. I wasn't sure what to do in the situation. Things were becoming awkward.

He chuckled again. "I suppose I have".

"So...?" I said. The word was out before I could stop myself. I didn't want to seem disappointed if he left, but I didn't want to seem eager for him to stay.

"So...I am going to leave. I'll see you tomorrow", he said slowly. "Yeah. I'll see you", he said relatively quicker and went straight for the main door.

I barely thought of what to say before the door opened and he stepped out. It closed with a bang. I sighed and leaned against the wall. So many thoughts were going through my head it was getting heavier. What had just happened?

Riley's POV

I pulled the door harder than I had intended and it closed with a bang. I could hear the sound echo in my head as I walked along Casey's driveway. Normally I walked across the lawn. I needed to walk on a clear path to avoid tripping. My senses just weren't working properly.

Casey and I had kissed. It wasn't the occasional peck I gave him on the cheek when teasing him. It was a proper kiss; a moment that wasn't lighthearted. It definitely hadn't felt light. The air around us had been warm and heavy, pulling us towards each other. At least it had felt like that to me.

When I sat near him in the living room, I felt something I thought I would never feel. Looking at the good-looking adorable guy I called my best friend, I felt love around us. But it wasn't the usual love. It was much different. It was like I was seeing him through new glasses. No, not new; just clearer glasses.

I knew I loved Casey a long time ago. He was fun to be around and my go-to guy. He made me laugh and I enjoyed teasing him. Though I always downplayed it, he looked out for me. He took care of me. I never thanked him. Instead I sat on him, ate his food, wrestled with him, took space on his bed, stole his car's a long list. Yet, his lips visited his cheeks whenever he saw me.

That day, I learned I loved him more than I thought I did. It wasn't just that though. I learned I was attracted to him, as evidenced by the moment between us in the kitchen.

When we stood there, my desire to kiss him mounted until it reached breaking point. I couldn't hold back. In that moment, I saw only him. The world fell away. Absolutely nothing else mattered other than grabbing that opportunity I had.

Something deep inside me took over as our breaths mingled. I was caressing his cheek, but it felt like it much more than that. His lips were against mine for the first time, but it felt like we were rekindling an old kiss, giving life to a kiss that was meant to be.

A kiss not of that caliber didn't deserve to be called a kiss.

I dragged my feet across the asphalt road as I walked. Falling for Casey was an unexpected piece in the already complicated jigsaw puzzle that was my life.

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