Chpt 40 - Going After Karshnah

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Chapter Forty

Going After Karshnah

I summoned Dempalar for a private audience, and I felt his mind come into mine, as he took shape in front of Delleeshia and myself, 'I take it that you wish to go after your love?' Delleeshia gasped, having heard his voice in her mind.

"Of course. I cannot leave him when I have lost my other chosen soul-mate, that would kill me from the inside out." I said aloud, as for Delleeshia's benefit.

'I know child, so why have you chosen to summon me?'

"I need you to come with me to confront Lucifer, he has taken my last connection to my sanity."

'Karshnah.' He sighed knowing with whom I spoke of.

"I just need guidance as to what to do!"

'All you need to do is trust your intuition, it will serve you more truly then any other soul can.'

"I know, but my feeling cloud over when I am dealing with my family! You seen it happen!"

'Alright, but you need...'

"Protection? I already got the nomadic fairy folk at my beck and call." I answered truthfully.%3

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