Prologue - A Time Of Prophecy

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A Time Of Prophecy

I followed a gentleman to a town square, that sat right in front of the towering Spires that created the local church, of sorts. I stared at the three gentlemen that stood at the tod of the stairs leading to the inside of the church, or place of religion. I staried at one in particular, and it was he that spoke first.

"Our supreme god, Dempalar, has given us a vision." everyone who stood in the square were silent, it was almost as if they all held their breaths in anticpation of what was to come. I found myself doing the same, and he continues, "It is of the future, our beautiful city shall fall, and our race near pushed to extinction." He paused, "I was only given part of the sacred dreaming, the other priests beside me, had also. In my dreaming, I saw a young woman, she is a decendant from our lord, Dempalar, and from that of a priest of Dempalar's domain. She is to be the most beautiful and most courtious lady in all existance, and she will contain enough power, in her body, to ascend to the god's ranks."

He motioned the second priest up and it he who then spoke of his sacred dreaming. "She would be of great importanace to all that see her, and it is threw her, that the curse that our people shall soon receive, will be lifted and the choice, placed within the hands of those with free will. And all walks of life, all creatures shall be drawn to her, many with love in their hearts."

The last came up and said, "She shall draw to her persons, the creatures that inhabit the dead of night, and purify them, for they will become her and her family's guard. They will also play a very large part in the development of her powers, so that she could ascend to the god's ranks. Her guard, is to be known at 'The Silver Guardianship', for after the pufication that she will perform on them, they shall walk in both worlds, in both the light and the dark, neither more dominate than the thimes of twilight and dawn."

All the people gathered were discussing the latest prophecy and walked off in small or large groups, in pairs or alone. I was pulled to follow the high priest and watched as he watched his wife. He went to her and hugged her tenderly as she turned and kissed him. They whispered privately together, and walked off to sit on a bench, The spoke when I heard him say to her, "Elva, my love, you must flee the city and never look back."

"But what of you my love? Will you flee with me?" She asked him quietly.

He shook his head sadly and said, "Take Feinr with you, he would protect you and our children. I know you don't want to leave, but love, you have to understand, I saw you death last night in my sacred dreaming. Lucifer wants you dead so that the children you carry shall not come to pass, and then he would kill you out of spite." I saw the tears that ran down his face as he said, "I don't know what I would do if I lost you. I would rather you be away from the city and safe than in the city and dead at my feet."

She hugged him to her breast, and he cried silently as they accepted the inevitable. "If I do not see you after this, if you shall die before our next meeting in this life, wait for me in the next. I will be waiting for you my darling love, find me, even if it in spirit, find me, so I can tell our children how brave and loving their father was." She got up and gave her husband a silk handkerchief. He held it too his heart, not wanting to mire it with his tears.

"I must be off and pack, my love. I love you, for all eternity. Until the universe shall no longer exist."

How sweet, to love someone so selflessly, so completely. I thought as I watched them. Suddenly, Elva looked right at me, and seen me! The world began to fade away, the sights, smells, and colours leaked away until only darkness remained.

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