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"Promise me we will stay in touch." I asked my best friend Angela who sat cross-legged on my bed as I zipped up my suitcase.

"I don't even know why you'd ask a crazy question like that." she said, replying to me.

"I just know how crazy our college schedules are gonna be." I replied.

Angela was more laid back than I was. She was able to coast by during our four years at Chilton. The only reason she was going to college in the first place was because her parents required it, if she wanted access to her trust fund. I watched as she flipped through the latest fashion magazine.

"Well mines going to be crazy." I added.

She looked up from that article she was currently reading and said, "Hey, my schedule is gonna be busy to."

"Yeah I know, but mainly with guys and parties." I replied.

"Nothing wrong with that." She said with a smile returning to her magazine.

I rolled my eyes, I loved her, but maybe it was good that we were going to separate schools.

"Sandra, are you almost ready? Mom and dad are ready to go." Richard said sticking his head in my room.

"Yeah, I just zipped up my last bag we'll be right out." I said, and he closed the door, headed back down the hall. "I guess it's time to go."

Angela put the magazine down and climbed off my bed. "You're gonna be great." She said linking her arm with mine.

"That's what everyone keeps telling me." I said with a sigh, as we walked out of my room and down the hall to meet up with the rest of my family.


I watched the hustle and bustle of everything and everyone around, as we pulled up outside the campus. Everyone was on the move, new students with their families moving into dorms for the first time, people meeting up with friends, some with bags from the bookstore. It was something else. Then all of a sudden, fear washed over me. I could hear somebody trying to say something to me.

"Huh?" I said, coming back to the present.

"I said, are you ready?" Mom said again, looking back at me.

"Um, yeah, sure." I replied opening my door.

"Hello there. Name?" A tall blonde said, walking up to me the minute my foot hit the pavement.

"I'm sorry?" I asked confused.

"Your last name? I one of the resident advisors here at Yale." She said in response.

"Oh, Gilmore-Huntzberger." I said, and she looked over her clipboard.

"Yes, I have you right here. Well, here's your schedule with the welcome week events, and here's your key for your dorm. The student orientation starts at in an hour so I'll see you again then." She said handing me the items.

"Thanks." I replied.

"And again welcome to Yale." She added before walking off.

"She seemed nice." Dad said coming around the car.

"Yeah, I guess. She gave me my key." I said.

"Awesome! Let's go check out your room!" Angela said bouncing out of the car, grabbing the key. "Where's your room?"

"It's in Branford Hall." I said looking at the map. "Mom, isn't that where you lived while you were here?"

"Yep, sure is." She replied grabbing things out of the back.

"Well then, let's go!" Angela said, pulling on my arm.

"You two go, we'll catch up." Dad said, and I let her pull me away.



"Do you think Sandra's okay?" I asked Logan, as I watch Sandra and Angela walk off.

"Yeah, probably nervous, why?" Logan asked, helping me pull a couple more backs from the back.

"I don't know, I just thought she'd be more excited than she is. She seems...off." I said.

"Ace, you're probably just overthinking it, she's fine, and she's gonna do great. After all, she is our daughter." He said wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Yeah, your probably right." I said turning in his arms to face him, and lacing my fingers behind his neck.

"Can you believe how long it's been since we've been here?" He asked me with a chuckle.

"Feels like it's been forever." I replied.

"Aw, get a room you two." Richard said from the backseat where he was still sitting.

"Well, we should probably catch up with the girls." Logan said, breaking away with a laugh.

"Yeah, we should. Let's go Richard. Grab a bag." I said, picking up some of the stuff.

Sandra Gilmore-HuntzbergerWhere stories live. Discover now