Chapter Nine: The Wanderer

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Continuing into a nearby town, Tenma, Dieter, and I had came across an interesting fellow who was looking for directions to the border of East Germany to West Germany in the mountains.
"Excuse me? Is there anyway that you guys could help me?"
"With what? Directions?" Tenma asked as he put down his map.
The man nodded. He was tall and slim with blue eyes and short blond hair. His eyes showed glimmers of kindness. "My name is Wolfgang Grimmer but you can call me Grimmer. " He smiled. "I'm working on heading back to the West portion of Germany so that I can maybe lead a better life."
"Do you have a family?" Dieter asked as Grimmer's face became solemn. "I used to, but my wife left me and my son died..."
"Oh no... I'm so sorry..." Dieter looked down as I patted his shoulder and smiled. "It's alright Dieter, you didn't know."
Tenma held my hand. "I'm Kenzo Tenma, this is Liza Schertöffen, and this here is Dieter."
"Ah, nice to meet you all and I've heard about you two. I was reading in the paper that you two were responsible
For a series of murders that had occurred in Berlin. However, you two seem too kind to murder people and I believe you guys are innocent. Especially in regards to your professions. A doctor and nurse. Plus you're a doctor that is well respected and loved. I couldn't see someone like you causing a series of murders." As we trekked on a path in the mountains, the sun was beginning to set over the horizon. "Say, do you guys want some wine and cheese? I carry it with me everywhere I go and I'd love to share some with you guys."
We all sat down with Grimmer and talked a bit with him.
"Grimmer, do you know anything about Kinderheim 511?"His eyes went wide slightly and he nodded yes.
"Unfortunately I do. I was there for a few years as a child and I was forced into the harmful experiments. From some of them, I had ended up gaining strength like my favorite hero, The Magnificent Steiner..." Tenma put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
"I'm so sorry you had to go through that.."
"I also knew about Johan... I think you'd want me to tell you about him, huh?"
Tenma and I nodded. "He was ultimately evil... he pitted other kids against each other, and he also caused kids to go at the ones who didn't like to fight. Unfortunately, I was one of those kids who was attacked by others. However; I had gotten into rages that I didn't remember and hurt them with my brute strength."
"What?!" I was shocked. "Y-Yes.. and I vowed from that day to never use my fists unless if it was to protect someone else or my own life."
"Good thinking..."
"Well, the border right in our midst. I'm going to do a little investigating for you. Everyday towards sundown, let's meet here. From there I'll tell you whereabouts of Johan and other people who worked at 511 Kinderheim."
"We will." Tenma shook his hand. "Thank you, Grimmer."
He smiled and walked off into the vast sunset.

Monsters Inside of Us (Monster Fanfic) Tenma x Liza (OC) Where stories live. Discover now