Framed III

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A few years later.....

"Alright Mr.Yonkers.. You'll be discharged tonight as it seems."
"Alright.. Thank you Doctor Tenma.."
"Something seems to be troubling you... Is everything okay?"
"Well.. I've been having dreams constantly about my favorite thing. Cuckoo clocks.."
Tenma nodded. "I see. Do you like them?"
"Oh most definitely. I've always wanted one from the store but they are very expensive.."
"I see.. Well.. I might be back later with something for you.."
----------Tenma's Office---------------
"Kenzo!!" I punched out of my shift a few minutes prior to Tenma coming into his office.
"Liza! I take it your done for tonight."
"Yes. Are you?"
"Not quite but you're welcome to help me out tonight. I'm punching out for a few moments to help my patient. I'm getting him something."
"Oh! May I come with?"
"Why would I say no to you, my beautiful cherry blossom?"
Tenma punched out and took off his labcoat, hanging it over his chair.
We walked outside together, noticing that night had fallen quickly.
He extended his hand and I had taken it. It's been 3 years.. Tenma and I had still be together, but there hasn't been any sort of proposal yet.
Walking downtown, we went into a shop filled with wooden cuckoo clocks. "Why are we in here, Kenzo?"
"This will be for my patient.."
He bought a beautifully carved wooden clock with a yellow handpainted canary that pops out every hour.
Walking back to the hospital to give him the clock back, he wasn't there. All of the machines that he was connected to were beeping. Tenma quickly put the clock on the bed and we raced to the nurses desk. "Where is Mr. Yonkers?"
"We don't know!" A nurse said. "We've been trying to find him for a while now!"
Tenma and I rushed outside and we saw him. Heading up in a parking garage. "Wait! Mr.Yonkers!"
I tried to run after Tenma but before he could continue up, he stopped me.
"Liza... Don't."
"But Kenzo..! I-"
"I can't let you get hurt."
"But I don't want you getting hurt either!"
"Please Liza.. Stay here.." He kissed me passionately on the lips. "Please..."
"Alright..." I had to fight the urge to run up after him. Up towards the upper floors, Tenma stood in front of Mr.Yonkers.
"Please.. I can help you. Don't jump."
"No.. Don't come any closer! T-The Monster is here!"
"The Monster?"
"Hello, Docter Tenma."
A tall blonde wearing a suit appeared behind Mr.Yonkers.
"It's been quite a long time... In fact, years.."
"You... You're Johan!"
He smirked. "You're correct."
"Let Mr.Yonkers go!"
"I'm afraid I can't do that.." He pulled out a gun. "You see.. He's gone against something with me and ratted out to the authorities..He's a dead man now.."
He cocked and loaded the gun, pointing it at Mr.Yonkers. "Johan, don't!"
He fired, the bullet hitting Mr.Yonkers in the head, sending him flying over the edge of the parking garage. Johan walked up to Tenma and placed his hand on the shoulder. "You'll never understand, Tenma.. My monster.. Gets bigger everyday."
He then disappeared into the darkness and I stood behind Tenma. As he turned around, he sighed. "I thought I told you to stay at the landing..."
"You did..but.."
"But what..?"
" I wanted to be by your side. I wanted to protect you if anything went on.."
Tenma put a finger to my lips. "Liza... That's my job..."
He pulled me close to him. "But I'll never let you go or out of my sight.."
"I love you.." I snuggled into his embrace.
"I love you too.." He kissed my forehead and gently massaged my back while in the embrace. "Now we need to go inform the nurses that Mr.Yonkers is a runaway and that he might be dead.."
"Yes.. Right away.."
The next day...
The hospital was busy as usual. But then Lunge decided to return. "Hello, Doctor Tenma.. Do you have a moment?"
"No. In fact we are quite busy if you'd excuse me."
-------- About 2p.m -------------
Silence followed to sirens blazing around the hospital. I was with Tenma as we were on a short break. "Kenzo...."
I pointed down to the cops cars that were coming into the hospital. "Look.."
"Liza." He took my hand and pulled me up. "We need to go.. Now."
A nurse passed us by speaking in a shocked manner. "Why are you two being framed for murder?! You guys wouldn't do that!!"
We found an ambulance that was ready to leave. Tenma had his and I's medical kits. Two medics were in it. "Need to get somewhere Doctor Tenma?"
"Just please drop us off outside the Wolt Bar."
They dropped us off and we ran to our apartment, taking out very few clothes but took money and food and ran.
"Kenzo where are we going to go?"
"I don't know yet.."
"Kenzo.. I'm scared.." I held his hand tightly as we ran.
"I'm sorry, Liza... I don't like that we are both being framed for something that we didn't do.."
"I don't either, Kenzo.."
We made it to a hotel in the next town over and gave ourselves a different name to keep levels of suspicion low.
Walking up to the room, Tenma sat on the bed, looking solemn.
Sitting beside him, I placed my hand on his and leaned against him. "Liza.." He wrapped his arms around me and brought me down on the bed with him. He held me tightly, shaking a little and his voice sounded like he was going to cry. "Liza.. I'm sorry.."
"Kenzo. Don't be sorry.. You did no wrong. I love you.."
"I love you."

Monsters Inside of Us (Monster Fanfic) Tenma x Liza (OC) Where stories live. Discover now