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Authors note:

Hi all. The first few chapters will have come through quickly, but I'm afraid the rest will take some tie due to exams. Enjoy.

Inside the barn, Tod had become anxious, waiting for Vixey to return. He heard footsteps approaching and instantly turned his attention to the door. Moments later, a brown spotted hound dog walked in. he looked around and found the red fox sitting in the hay pile at the other end of the barn. "Copper!" shouted Tod in excitement as he raised to his feet. His best friend called back, "Tod!" and ran over to the happy fox. He was finally with his best friend and nothing could take that away from him.

He reached Tod and told him to sit down. "How yea, Tod? I tried to see yea but couldn't get in." His face turned more serious as worry filled him upon seeing the fox's poor stance and coat. Tod didn't think twice before he answered his best friend.

"Yeah, s-sorry about that, Widow doesn't fully trust you after what happened before the bear. I can't walk far so I couldn't reach yea. I um... I have some bad news. Copper, I had a major stroke about 3 weeks ago and the doctor says I haven't much time left." The hound dog's eyes opened upon hearing this, the worst words to come out of his friend's mouth.

"Well, we are all here for you," Copper said, giving the queue for Vixey and Copper to enter, and leaving Rose outside for now. Tod saw Vixey first, but as Chief walked in, Tod instantly went into defense mode, raising his hair and standing crouched, bearing his teeth. The grey wolfhound realized what was happening and tried to calm the fox down by saying, "Easy now, I ain't here to fight. I just wanna make things right."

Tod relaxed just enough to frown. No words have ever confused him more than these. Chief, his worst enemy, was standing in front of him, trying to make amends for past faults, ranging from teaching Copper to hate him, teaching and telling Copper to hunt him and all the little things in between.

 Chief noticed the fox's hair lower and his body language relax slightly. He explained further, "Tod, I shoulda realized sooner that I was wrong about yea. I didn' see what was right in front of me." He then paused for a short while to let it sink in. Continuing, he said, "I saw yea, yea know...savin' Copper and our master. I only saw then what the two of you mean to each other. For that, I owe you a thanks and apology."

Copper had known Chief longer then he had known Tod, and yet has never seen him show gratitude the way he just did. Chief felt relieved now that he had shared his deepest secret with everyone. He looked up and noticed that Tod had stood up and was now approaching him. His hair now flat and his eyes filled with the desire to forgive and forget. 

Tod stopped just before the wolfhound, raised his head to meet his eyes and said, "And I'm sorry for almost having you killed." With that, they found an understanding for each other's motives.

A drawn out silence filled the air as they studied one another. Tod broke the silence, now more relaxed and aware that they were up to something. "I know you guys aren't all here just to apologize and check up on me. What are you guys hiding?" He asked, curiously looking at Copper and Vixey. He could tell when they were keeping something under wraps. Vixey then looked over to Chief and nodded, giving him the final queue. He nodded back and started walking outside while Copper and Vixey stood up and sat right up against the red fox with one on each side. 

"Tod," said Copper sternly, grabbing his best friends attention. "Before we show you, you have to agree that you will remain calm," he continued. The fox nodded. They turned their attention to the main door as Chief called out, "Are yea ready?" with a soft reply, "Ready."

Chief then turned around and came into view, waiting for Rose to get beside him. Tod curiously watched the old female fox walking in towards them. He studied her carefully as she did the same to him. They were both unsure if what was happening was real. Neither Tod nor Rose recognized one another. Chief soon stopped walking and left Rose to approach the three sitting in a row.

Rose was unsure of how to proceed and so was Tod. He realized that since he was younger and male, that he should take up the gentleman's role and introduced himself first. He faced the fox in front of him and said, "Hello. I'm Tod. I live on the farm here." 

"Hello Tod. My name is Rose. I used to live near the farm here but haven't seen you around before now," Rose replied softly, surprised at how forward and upfront he was. He then said, 

"Well, I can't really get out much and I was also kicked out a while ago."

Tod was completely oblivious to what was going on. He then wondered if he was stepping over a line as he curiously asked, "I'm sorry but should I know you?" Rose's facial expression quickly changed as these words came out of Tod's mouth. She began to feel her eyes water and her thought dry as she replied, "No, But you have always been in my heart." 

Her voice has started cracking as she tried to form the words she thought she would never have the chance to say, "I-I miss you my boy." After saying this, Rose started crying loudly as she could no longer hold back the tears. Tears of pain and gladness. She had finally found her son.

Tod was staggered and his eyes went blank. As far as he knew, his mother was shot and killed by a hunter. So how could this be her? He had never seen her around and had almost no evidence that what she was saying was the truth. Coming back to his senses, he spotted two scars on her lower back, which were obviously old, and then it hit him. Rose was his mother.

"Mom?" Tod asked, starting to become shaky. His eyes had started watering. "Is-is it really you?" His voice started fading and his heart slowly started sinking, unable to cope with the news and the blood clot all at ones. Rose looked up and took in the sight of the awe struck fox sitting before her. She stood up, walked over to him and rustled her neck against his. 

The two foxes made the long lost discovery of the family they believed were dead. Copper and Vixey were about to give them time on their own when Vixey felt the wait of her mate start pressing down on her. 

She turned around to find her mate toppling over onto her.

The Past and The PresentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora