By the time Yoongi was done, Jimin was almost home, freezing. About 2-3 minutes after Yoongi had gotten himself ready and sat down. Grumbling beneath his breath at the weather, Jimin sniffled, shoulders pulled up to his ears in an attempt to break the wind away from his neck. Jimin's small hand reached out to open the door, blinking with surprise as it was already unlocked. Usually he checked before he actually unlocked it. Frowning with concern welling in his stomach, he pushed through the door with his eyes towards the side, hand blindly reaching out to turn the light on before shutting the door behind him. He could sense immediately that there was somebody there, deep brown eyes raising to find a dashing Yoongi sitting in front of the door. Dropping the book he held, his heart leapt into his throat and his breath hitched for a moment before he coughed. His eyes had widened, fumbling to set his things down and briskly looked over the absolutely fine material covering the already gorgeous man. He looked like a God, himself. "Y-Yoongi-ssi!" He managed after a few moments, shocked expression finally morphing into that of pure joy. His grin was wide, eyes crinkled at the corners before he fled over to him. The only reason he didn't practically tackle him was because of the beautiful suit. He shrugged his coat off before hugging around the mint haired male's torso, squeezing him tightly. "When did you get here!? How was your trip? D-Did everything go okay?" Jimin was overflowing with questions, only turning to look up at him after he'd attempted to squeeze the life out of him.

Yoongi couldn't help the large grin that spread across his lips as he watched Jimin's reaction. It was Priceless. His hands wrapped around the smaller body, careful not to drop the gift as he did so. "I got here a few moments ago babe. It was very nice though long and everything went perfectly." he answered his questions with a amused smile before lowering down in the seat, pulling Jimin atop him, though careful not to mess up his pants. He placed the gift on the side table next to them, simply content to hold Jimin for a few more minutes. "How were you Jiminie? Did you miss me?" he asked as his hand slide down his back in a caring, almost teasing way. He had leaned forward without noticing, his eyes level with Jimin's nose, causing him to look up at him slightly, his brown eyes swirling with happiness as he had missed Jimin more then he would like to admit.

Jimin was oblivious to the gift, attention locked on the man in front of him as Yoongi hugged him back. His heart was racing, fingers flat against the olders back, but secretly wishing to curl into the fabric to hug him closer. Like hell would he do that to a suit like that. "Good," he replied, unable to keep the grin off of his face as he slid into Yoongi's lap easily. He was careful in his positioning, arms wrapping around the older man's neck. The little nicknames were missed dearly, only leaving the grin on his face for longer than expected. "I wasn't good," he blurted honestly, grin fading to a smile instead. "I missed you more than anything, Oppa," he replied, arching his back naturally due to the touch. He didn't mean to, though he didn't mind it whatsoever. Jimin leaned his forehead against Yoongi's, content filling him even just being this close to him. It had been way too damn long, he decided now. More so than he'd thought before.

Yoongi smiled and placed his hand on Jimin's neck, sliding it to his check as he tilted his head up, gently placing his lips on his. Jimin's eyes were softened as they laid on Yoongi's, the smile on the other's face making him want to smile, himself, but he didn't because he didn't want his eyes to crinkle and block his view of Yoongi.It was a soft kiss, one that showed how much Yoongi had missed Jimin. His thumb gently stroked Jimin's cheek as his lips moved with Jimin's. He pulled back after a moment, looking up at Jimin with a small smile. "I'm sorry I left you alone for so long." he said softly his eyes lowering as a faint pink rose on his cheeks, "I missed you." he said almost in a whisper. To show that he needed Jimin was something his Pride normally didn't allow him to show, hence the embarrassment he felt for saying such things. Though he glanced back up after clearing his voice, turning his head to look at the present, seeing it as a good way to distract from his embarrassing moment. "I got you something." he mumbled as he reached a hand for the nicely wrapped gift.

Jimin smiled softly at the apology, shaking his head gently. Of course he wasn't going to take an apology with acceptance if there was nothing to be sorry for. Jimin was surprised by the sudden vulnerability shown to him with the whispered words. "I missed you too," he replied immediately, hand reaching up to rest over the one on his face. He could see that Yoongi was embarrassed by the words, and he couldn't help but think that it was cute as hell. Jimin loosened his arms around Yoongi's neck, sitting up straight with his hands resting on the man's chest, glancing at the gift he hadn't even noticed before. "Oh you shouldn't have," he whined, his free hand sliding up to rest on the side of Yoongi's neck. "You already get me so much, Yoongi."

Yoongi smiled at Jimin, his hand moving to his chin as he pulled him closer, lips brushing as he spoke. "I don't get you enough." he said before placing a quick kiss to his lips as he passed the present into Jimin's hands. He knew that the ear pieces he had found were perfect for Jimin's dancing. He had tried them himself and they were practically impossible to drop from your ears while moving. He thought back to what the guy had called them, 'Sennheiser CX 685 Adidas in-ear Headphones.' whatever that meant. It seemed to match his ipod well. He figured he could use it to dance in other places besides his studio, specially since the weather had turned so cold. "Besides I give things to you for a selfish reason." he continued with a amused smirk. "You can return the favor later if you wish." He couldn't help but add on as he leaned his lips closer to Jimin's ear, his hands moving to rest at Jimin's hips as he waited for him to open the gift. His thumbs  messaged the area, slipping under his shirt to caress his smooth skin at his hip.

Jimin was surprised at being pulled closer, eyes falling to look at the lips that brushed his own, even that simple touch sending little bursts of sparks through his own swelled ones. He couldn't stop his grin at the sweet words, only pausing the grand show of teeth when he kissed back. When he was passed the present, he paused for a second, simply observing Yoongi's face and kissing his nose before sitting a bit farther up on his lap, making it easier to be closer to him at the same time providing enough room to lean up and unwrap the present. "Thank you," he said before he even unwrapped it, only then beginning to remove the wrappings. The foreign objects were so strange looking, but as he read through it carefully and looked at the plug in, his eyes widened. It clicked in his head, and he couldn't stop his gasp. "Oppa!" He blurted, raising his gaze to Yoongi. "You idiot, you shouldn't spend money on this!" He squeaked, the insult light hearted and proved to be so at the giddy chuckling rising to his voice. He was ecstatic, hands clutching onto the object and looking at it like a child would a puppy. "Y-You.." He didn't even know what to say, the innocence overwhelming his face again. He wasn't going to cry, but he was damn well glassy eyed. Dancing was his.. well, his life. The fact that Yoongi knew so and even aided him in such a way was a blessing.Yoongi couldn't help but glow as he watched the joy explode on Jimin's face. His lips twitched upwards as he watched Jimin jump around like a excited child at Christmas. "Thank you," he whispered again, setting the gift down to instead wrap his arms tightly around him again. "Of course I'll return the favor," he purred back, not hesitating to return that sly flirt, the hands on his hips greatly comforting, and he hummed lightly at the touch. "Any way you'd like."

"I'm glad you like it." Yoongi said as he slide his hands to Jimin's thighs. His grin turning into a smirk as Jimin's attitude changed. "I can't wait." he said with a wolfish grin. His brown eyes flashing a darker hue.

Jimin nodded at the words, correcting him when he caught the words. "I love it."Jimin watched the hands slide down to his thighs, a grin stretching across his face at the touch that felt nearly foreign. Yeah, Yoongi had for sure been gone too long. A soft pink highlighted his cheeks before he narrowed his eyes testingly. "Neither can I," he added.


I know I know. How evil to stop there. Should I continue into the welcome back smexy time? Leave a comment if I should. xD *Goes to buy ticket to hell*


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