[16] Dream

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The dream starts as usual. Voltaire is beating me, then activating my Winter Soldier program, but then it goes on to something I haven't seen before.

I am standing in a house. A woman and a man are kneeling before me.

"Please! He didn't know anything. Let him go. Please! I have children." She whimpers. The man is sobbing in fear.

I look at her. "Show no mercy. Hail Hydra." A gun goes off. She slumps down. The man sobs even harder.

I look at him. "The weak deserve to die. Hail Hydra." A red rimmed hole appears right between his eyes.

Two small children come running from their rooms. "Mommy? Daddy?" They look fearfully at me. "What did you do?!"

"Lower your voice, child. Leave now. Go."

"No, I can't leave mommy and daddy." The small boy opened his mouth and let out a piercing scream. Without hesitation, I shoot him through the mouth and head. He slumps down, too.

His sister starts crying. I turn to her. "Do not cry."

This makes her cry harder and she starts to make hiccuping noises.

"Stop child. Stop crying."

She starts all out bawling and suddenly, a small furry puppy comes bounding over. It tries to bite me for hurting its owner, but I shoot it too. It lets out a small whimper, before collapsing off its small paws.

The girl is screaming now, so I shoot her out of instinct. As I leave, not a single thought of remorse passes through my mind.

They were my mission. My mission.

I wake up screaming. I know the dream wasn't a dream. It was a memory.

I killed them. One at a time. All of them. Even the children. The man who knew nothing of S.H.I.E.L.D or Hydra.

I killed them. My hands held the gun. My finger pulled the trigger. I said those last words. Mine was the last voice they heard. Even with all of Hydra's mind games, it was still me. Under it all, it was still me.

Bucky's P.O.V

I wake to the sound of J.A.R.V.I.S saying my name.

"Mr. Barnes, there is an urgent situation in Ms. Rebecca's room."

I bolt out of bed and run across the floor to her room.

Melanie, Steve, Natasha, and Tony are already there.

Rebecca, my 16 year old little sister is standing in the middle of the room with a gun pressed to the side of her head.

"Don't come any closer, or I swear I'll pull the trigger." There were tears pouring down her cheeks.

"Don't do it, Rebecca. Just put the gun down. We can fix whatever is making you feel this way." Melanie tries to reassure her, but I just makes Rebecca even angrier.

"You can't fix what I've done. I killed all of them. The children. I even killed their dog. I deserve this." I can tell that she isn't really seeing us. She is stuck in the past. Guilt ridden and unable to move on.

"Rebecca please. I need you. You can't just leave me like this." I plead. Normally I am above begging, but not this time. This time I would grovel if it made her put the gun down.

"Don't try to stop me. I deserve this!" She clicks a bullet into place with one hand. She knows exactly how to operate this gun. It is the same one we were issued as Hydra assassins. The same one we used to kill countless people.

I see her finger tighten on the trigger and jump forward, ready to stop her, but Natasha beats me to it. She throws a taser disk at Rebecca, which immediately knocks her out.

We all sigh in relief.

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