[4] Blue Serum

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The next day, Zola was back. He told me that I was going to take the same super Soldier serum that Bucky and Captain America had taken.

I was so torn. On one hand, being enhanced sounded cool, on the other hand, Hydra was doing this, not the army, so who knows what my powers will be used for?

I didn't have much of a choice. It wasn't like I could refuse to take it, I just needed to decide how I felt about it.

I was hopeful that maybe after taking the serum, I could break loose and re join the U.S. I could help out and make a difference-- maybe even save people like my dad.

Zola made me bite down on some weird mouth guard, then injected me.

I immediately started to sweat. My muscles were on fire and my bones were splintering. My skin felt too small

When the pain subsided, I was taller, more muscular, and I felt more super.

I looked HOT! I even seemed tanner. It was weird, but if the guys in the army could see me now, they wouldn't be laughing anymore.

"Your welcome." Zola said. He had this self satisfied smirk and acted like it was some great favor. I thought that he was done, but apparently not. He came back holding a silver injector pen. He creepily brushed my hair aside and then forcefully stabbed my neck with the needle. The a ho.

I twitched and rubbed my neck.

"What did-" After a few seconds of nothing, pain flared up, starting in my fingertips, and moving all the way down to my toes. It was like fire in my veins and under my skin.

I yelled into the mouth guard and writhed, but my restraints prevented too much movement.

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