[14] Second Chance

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Bucky's P.O.V

"Stupid, stupid, stupid." I should have know that she was playing me. I should have remembered the way Hydra trains. I was so focused on having her back, that I didn't realize that she was playing me. She got me to activate her Winter Soldier training.

"Don't beat yourself up over this, buddy." Steve patted me on the back. "We can still go get her. Why wait for her to come to us?"

"Yeah. I know where she probably is. It'll be dangerous though. We might have to fight her."

"That's okay. We're the Avengers." Steve gave me a confident smile. I considered how much he had changed. I used to protect him and comfort him, but now, our roles had reversed.

"Okay. We need a plan."

Time lapse

"Okay, we have a plan." The Avengers are assembled at the table in front of me.

"We break in to the Hydra base, get Rebecca, and get out." Steve picks up the slack.

"It took you two a week to come up with that plan?" Natasha says incredulously.

"We were working under a lot of stress." I say. She rolls her eyes.

Time lapse

We are racing through the woods, killing Hydra members on the way.

We finally get to the base and the Hulk breaks the door down.

They all follow me as I lead them to where Rebecca is.

When we burst into the lab, no one is there.

"Spread out, search the building."

Steve and I run down halls throwing open doors and shooting guards.

We finally reach the end of one hall. "Nothing, dammit." I say.

While standing trying to think of a solution to our problem, a glint of silver catches my eye from the shadows.

I try to get a closer look, when an arm snaps out and grabs my throat.

Steve is immediately by my side, trying to get Rebecca to let go, but she's very determined to kill me.

Finally, Steve, being the genius he is, decides to use one of Natasha's taser disks on her.

She immediately slumps to the ground, out cold.

"Took you long enough." I cough.

"Next time I won't bother if this is how you appreciate me.

We tell the others that we have her, then bust the hell out of there.

Rebecca's P.O.V

When I wake up, I am strapped down to a metal chair. But I'm not at Hydra. Where am I?

Suddenly, a machine powers up and a familiar pain goes through my head, except this time, I remember things. Every things.


"Just as a precaution, who are you?" He asks.

"My name is Rebecca Rose Barnes. I was part of the 107th regiment in the U.S Army. You are my older brother, James Buchanan Barnes, and that is Steven Joseph Rogers."

"It is you! You remember!"

Suddenly, images, horrific images pop into my mind.

"What did I do, Buck?" I whisper, afraid of the answer.

By the time Bucky is done explaining, I'm in tears.

"Hey hey, it isn't your fault, Steve says." They try to hug me, but I push them away. Bucky gently takes my face in his hands and try's to make me look at him. I look away.

"I think I need to be alone." They nod sadly and show me to my room in Stark tower.

Once alone, I drift into a restless sleep.

Steve's P.O.V

I feel really bad for Rebecca. She is only sixteen, still a minor. Speaking of which, now that everyone she knew is gone, Bucky is her guardian.

I feel bad for Bucky, too. Having Rebecca so close, and yet so far away must be hard for him. He just got her back, and now she is pushing him away.

I know, I'll get our resident therapist to go see her. She can work miracles. Even on Loki.

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