new stories?

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I still don't know if I will do a final chapter. I probably will knowing me. But I just wanted to know what you guys. Want me to write about next. You can choose from these ideas or tell me one of your own, but I just want to know what you think so I can get started on it :)

1) Jack managed to escape a group of criminals but the same can't be said for his family. He is thrown into the ocean and is found a week later. The boy that found him (Mark) takes him to hospital but doesn't know if he will see him again.

2) Jack and Mark have super powers. Mark is top of the class when it comes to controlling his powers but he has never seen Jack use his. He will soon find out why...

3) another random story about the dark sides of youtubers... Don't know what gonna do there though...

4) everyone has the ability to turn into an animal. Mark can turn into a tiny squirrel that comes in handy when fitting into tight spaces. But Jack doesn't know what he can turn into. Both of his parents had very big strong animals, but he feels like he might upset him when he finds out what his true animal is... Will he?

5) Mark just started working in the secret agency. He doesn't really know much about computers but he does have extremely good aim and good fighting skills. There is a hacker going around and Mark's job is to help find him. He is partnered with the technical expert Felix. Together they try to locate the hacker. Mark has to stay in an apartment with a stranger while on the case. But something seems off about him. He's awfully attached to his computer and seems to know a lot about the agency. Can Mark solve this mystery?

Well, do you like any there. If not then please give me suggestions. I have other ideas but I've seen them in other stories and I don't want to copy so... I just did these ones. They suck but they're some ideas.

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