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Does anyone else have the craving for Ice cream? No, just me...mkay.

Mark's Pov
I was sitting in a chair next to Jack's bed. I had been able to bring to the nearest hospital and they gave him stitches for his injuries. The headmaster had been arrested and all the students were sent home for the day. We have a new headmaster now. No one has seen him, or her besides their assistant, Cry. He doesn't tell us anything though. Cry was a person who kept to himself most of the time. We were really close friends at one point but then we stopped talking as I began to avoid people. No one even knew what he looked like because he would always wear a mask. He had his own new friends in the school. I've seen them sitting together at lunch. I would just sit alone. I should probably go talk to him when I go back to school. Maybe he could tell us something about the new headmaster?

I let my thoughts swirl around my head as I looked at Jack. Besides a slight stirr ever now and then he seemed at peace. I would try to contact him with Dark's powers but I couldn't seem to use them. I hadn't actually heard from Dark at all since the incident with the headmaster...

Flashback to the halls from the last chapter but in Mark's Pov. Kay?

I heard screams and shouts coming from outside my room. They sounded like Jack's. I stood up and ran to the wall I knew the door was on but was stopped by the electric wire on my collar. I growled as I heard the headmaster shout at Jack. If it wasn't for my in handed hearing I wouldn't have been able to hear any of this. Rage filled my lungs and I with a single wave of my hand the wall crashed open. I pulled the collar off my neck, electricity flying everywhere but I didn't care.

I stepped out of the room and looked down the hall slightly to see the headmaster on top of Jack cutting into his chest. Jack's eyes were shut tight and it looked like he was trying hid hardest not to scream. I don't know what I was doing. I just ran straight over to the headmaster and ripped him off of Jack. I threw him face first into the wall. Then grabbed the back of his head and continuously smashed it into the wall until i heard a loud CRACK! I threw hi  to the floor. He was completely unconscious.

I stood there panting. I looked back at Jack to see he still hadn't opened his eyes. I ran over to him and tried to tell him it was okay but he still didn't open his eyes. I shook him roughly and he finally opened his eyes.  I started frantically asking him questions, trying to see if he was okay. He didn't seem to hear a single word i was saying because he just looked at me confusingly. He looked over at the headmaster for a moment then turned his head towards me. I saw him slowly drift into unconsciousness and i desperately shouted at him... "Jack, please don't leave me. I need you, please. Don't go. I love you..." but it was too late. He had already passed out.

End Le flashback

I sighed softly as I remembered what happened. It had all occurred so quickly. It frightened me actually. I didn't even seem to have complete control of myself. I felt like a monster. I FEEL like a monster. I AM a MONSTER! And nobody likes a monster. Jack will never like me. He saw what I could do. I could kill someone without the slightest bits notice. I hated myself. I told myself I would never do that again. I told myself I would never let Dark control me again. But I failed. I let hi  take over. I wasn't strong enough to stop him. Now Jack is hurt because of it. I know Anti played a role in provoking Dark but if I had been able to control Dark, then may even we wouldn't be here right now.

Jack's body moved a little pulling me out of my thoughts as I heard a faint voice call. "M-Mark?" I looked up to see Jack's beautiful ocean blue eyes looking at me weakly. I smiled and stood up, walking to his side and holding his hand.

"Yes Jack," I said. He looked around the room slowly before his eyes fell upon the bags of blood and the tube going into his arms. (Just because they have demons inside them it doesn't mean they are immortal) his breathing hitched and became unsteady. I squeezed his hand reassuringly, silently telling him I was there for him.

"Wha... what happened?" He asked weakly. His voice was shaking and I could tell he was trying not to freak out.

"You don't Remember?" I asked, partly glad he didn't remember what I had done to the headmaster. But also sad that he didn't know how I felt about him. It looked like he was deep in thought for a while before looking down.

"I remember some, but not much. Just the headmaster attacking me then flashes of things happening around me before darkness. Then I woke up here," he said looking up at me. He looked like he was going to cry. I pulled him into a quick hug before looking into his eyes.

"Just know you are safe now and the headmaster is never going to hurt you or anyone again. The police have arrested him and he is going to spend the rest of his life behind bars," I told him. Trying to make him feel safer. He just nodded before turning his gaze towards the ceiling. I looked at the floor awkwardly. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do. There was nothing to say or do. It was just... silent.

"Can you help me Up?" I heard Jack ask and looked up at him. He was looking at me sadly. As much as I wanted him to rest I agreed and help him sit up. The black et fell off his chest, reveling a bunch of bandages wrapped around his chest. He looked at me, his eyes full of fear, before reaching for the end of the bandage. This time I stopped hi, before he could do anything. He looked at me angrily. I sighed and pulled his hands away, taking the bandages off myself. When I was done I helped him into the bathroom where he could see himself. He looked at the three letters written on his chest.

"P-E-T," he said shakily. I looked down, feeling it was partly my fault this happened to him. A bright green glow caught me eye. I looked up and saw the glow was coming from the cuts on Jack's chest. His face was sole and emotionless. The edges of his eyes began to turn pitch black and I realized he was letting Anti take over without even knowing it. Or did he?... I didn't wait to find out. I tried to shake him out of his trance but it didn't work. I yelled out his name but he didn't respond. There was no white left in his eyes as the once beautiful blue began to turn into an evil green. (I have nothing against the color green guys. I actually love It! Especially when it's lime or neon. So pretty) in my state of panic I grabbed Jack's chin, turning it towards me, and brought his face towards me in a desperate kiss. At first his body tensed up but then it relaxed. I pulled away to see his eyes had returned to normal and were locked onto mine. I blushed and looked away.

"Anti was trying to take over. You weren't listening or responding so I..." I was cut off as the world started spinning around me. Darkness swirled around me as a single voice echoed through it all...

"You think you can stop me that Easily?... you were Wrong!

Aaaaaaand  that's it for now. I know I already uploaded a chapter earlier today but I don't care. Story in your Face! Get over It! Anyway... who is the mysterious voice Ha? I think we already know but the first to guess it in the comments gets to be starred in the story... it's not quite a leading role but it means you might be more important later on. So comment your thoughts. It's super easy. Go on. I know you can do it. That a good child... or adult. Whatever lifeforms you are. Anyway. I go now. Bye.

Our Dark Sides (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن