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...you told me our day wasn't over

that there were still things to enjoy

we went to the carnival

that the rain hadn't stopped

tasted fried foods

that made my tongue sing

played games that appealed to my competitive side

ignored the ones with upturned noses at our touches

and kisses

and secret giggles

held hands through frenzy

gripped me a little tighter

and made me ride that ride with you

the one just a little too high

a little too nerve-wracking

but the rush

the one i got at the top

the one i got

when i turned to you

and you smiled

smiled so wide for me

that feeling

the one that made my stomach drop

made me a little queasy at the dip



it disappeared

so unexpectedly

and when i closed my eyes

heard the collective screams and squeals

felt the rush of wind

felt my hands go up in the air

saw your face behind my closed lids

laughing at me

and i couldn't help but laugh with you

until the rickety noises drowned out the joy

and the chill in the air

wasn't nearly as exhilarating as it was seconds ago

and you disappeared

and all i could see was our death

the coaster would go out of control

wouldn't stop

go too fast

right off the tracks

saw my head hitting the bars overhead that felt a little too close

saw blood shine on my fingertips

and knew it was irrational

so i screamed it away

and you mistook it for joy

you played one more game

promised to win me one of those oversized stuffed animals

and put it in my arms when the game was over

your determination thrilled me

that pride behind your eyes

made me

bite my lip

shut my eyes

let the quiver run through me

and we ran through the night

the twinkling of the colorful lights laughing at us

the toy too slow to catch up...

the endingWhere stories live. Discover now