15. Sunny With A Chance

Start from the beginning

"Maybe on your day off?" he continued. Now, he was skating on thin ice.

"I'm sure Jhanvi is free anytime to hang out with you. You should probably fix your marriage." I don't know why he was pushing himself on me when he had an upset wife.

He sighed. "She's far too pissed off at me. In fact, she's filed divorce, and wishes to cut me out of her life completely. I was hoping you could help me fix the situation. But you're so busy with your life." He buried his face in his hands.

That's why he's here!

He needed my help to save his relationship. It made much more sense now.

"I thought you were just trying to hit on me." I chuckled. "But you just want to use me to get to my sister."

His dark brown eyes flickered to mine immediately. "Of course not. I am simply lost. I made a few wrong choices, but I love your cousin to death. You're the only person who can help me. Will you?"

I scanned my chipped nails again before agreeing.

"I think we should discuss the matters at a spa rather than lunch or dinner."

The lines on his forehead deepened with bewilderment. "A spa?"

I nodded. "That's where I can think best about how to help you. Three o'clock this Friday. Meet me at the Hands of Gold."

He slowly inclined, a warm smile coming over his features. He leaned forward, grasping my right in his freezing cold ones.

"Thanks so much, Annie!" His excitement was getting the best of him as he halted the blood circulation in my hand. You have no idea how much I owe you!" He even went to the extent of kissing my hand with his dry lips. "Please let's just keep this between us two."

Before I could reply, I felt a presence behind me. I turned my head to find Ashar standing there with his arms folded.

When did he enter the scene?

"Are you two keeping secrets? Should I be concerned?" Ashar said in a joking manner. He placed a hand on top of my shoulder which made quickly retreat. I forced my hand free of Sunny's grasp.

It was an odd situation.

"He wanted me to not tell anyone I showered ice cold water on him," I lied.

"Probably the first time he took a shower in days, anyways," Ashar mumbled.

I pressed my lips, hiding my smile.

"What was that, Ash?" Sunny inquired.

"Nothing. I was just making sure you weren't trying to steal my wife after losing yours." Ashar and his bluntness. Although he had said it in a joking manner, Sunny took it as his cue to leave.

"Of course not. Annie is my good friend," Sunny said, flashing his charming smile. "I should get going now. I have some work to get done." We nodded. All of us stood up.

Ashar made sure his hand on my shoulder was now on my back. I was sure Sunny noticed it too.

We bid out goodbyes and Sunny told me he'll keep in touch. As soon as he left, I grabbed Ashar's arm and pushed it away.

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