The plate didn't matter, though. As soon as it fell I ran toward Derek, nervous and apprehensive about what he'd say.

"Hey, Mary." He slowly shut the door, shooting the broken plate a funny look before gesturing for me to sit down. "Why don't we sit down?"

I immediately slipped into the closest chair and placed both hands on top of the plate as though to hide it. Derek did the same but was a lot slower. It was as though he'd become a computer and was malfunctioning.

It was a relief to see some of the color return to his cheeks. He'd looked like death in the bar earlier and the alcohol hadn't helped. Now he seemed like himself again, which made sitting across from him a tad easier.

"Listen." The future villain gradually reached out to touch my hand and gently wrapped my fingers in between his as though I was the plate, on the verge of breaking. "I've been giving it a lot of thought and I've decided to believe you."

Thank goodness for that.

"And, since I'm going to believe that you really have seen my future and know the best way to prevent my death and my future daughter's..." He paused, likely trying to find the best way to put this. "I've decided that you are the only woman I can ever trust with my life."

I sighed, my tension released. "Thank goodness for that. I was afraid you were going to kick me out."

"What? Why would I kick you out?" He leaned back in the chair, hurt that I'd even consider such a thing.

"Sorry." I shrugged, wishing he could understand that I'd known him as a bloodthirsty villain years before I got to see him act like the caring but sensitive man sitting before me. "I was just scared, that's all."

His dark eyes roamed my face, trying to read me, then he shrugged too. "It's okay. You didn't let me finish what I was going to say, though. I think that we should get married for real."

"What?" How did he come to that conclusion?

"It'll be much easier for you to defend yourself and..." He paused to remember his future daughter's name. "And Polly since you're a Valdis and you know the future. Plus," he scratched the back of his head nervously, "I kind of you so it'd be fine."

Aha! I heard that! He was going to say "love" but chickened out at the last second. Lucky for me because there was no way I was saying it back!

I liked him as a character, yes, and ... as a man, I suppose. But I couldn't become...

As I tried to make excuses against marrying the guy that I was comfortable with and attracted to, my mind started picturing what it would be like to actually marry him and become Polly's mother. The images it conjured up made his preposition sound really, really tempting.

Ugh! Why was my face heating up?

Derek started chuckling when he saw me start to blush. "Don't worry. I won't rush it. I'm just letting you know ahead of time so it doesn't come as a shock later."

As I sat there, listening to the angel and devil argue in my brain, he leaned forward and clasped my hands in both of his. "You're the only person I want by my side," he whispered, his eyes reflecting mine. "I know you're the only one who won't betray me."

"Is that the only reason you're proposing?" I asked. I said it in a joking tone but was completely serious.

My heart started beating wildly when he laughed again, leaning away to give my face a chance to cool down. "No. I would never propose just because I knew you wouldn't try to hurt me. I'd never ask a girl to spend the rest of her life with me unless I was absolutely, without a doubt, sure about it."

"We've only known each other for two months," I whispered.

"Well, technically you've know me many years have you been watching that show?"

The blush that had started its retreat returned in full force. "Well...I've been reading the comic books for four years and the show came out a year ago so..."

"See? Nothing to worry about."

"But you're forgetting that the you I saw was a raging psychopath, right?"

"If you managed to love me when I was acting like that then the me now should be a breeze, right?"

He had a point.

"Fine. I'll...consider it." It would take a lot of begging to convince me to marry him but, as much as I hated to admit it, he already had his foot in the door. "But don't get your hopes up."

The villain's face lit up and I got to watch as his slouched back and frozen arms loosened, making him morph into a monster of confidence and sass. "So, I've been thinking about baby names and was wondering, what do you think of the name Polly?" he asked, a smirk starting to emerge.

"Hideous. I'd never use it in a million years."

"I was thinking the exact same thing."

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