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I sat in the cage hanging high in the trees, waiting.

Hoping that someone would come save me. My captors were chattering away below me.

I pushed at the bars of my cage, if you'd call them that. It was tightly woven with no gaps but I could see through it.

I fiddled with my bow.

I wasn't sure why they'd given me my bow and quiver of arrows back, though the way the cage was built they wouldn't do me much good. I couldn't shoot through the strong mesh, though I had tried.

A breeze swept through the forest and I shivered, hugging my red and black checked jacket around me tighter, feeling my gold dog tags and squeezing them in my hand.

I suddenly had an idea.

I waited until the breeze rocked the cage to fall to the 'floor' of the cage and sort of shake, like I was having a seizure. I did however, make sure to keep my quiver and bow near my hands as I stopped shaking.

I heard squeals of alarm as my cage lowered to the ground. Just as I wanted.

They opened up a door I wouldn't have been able to fit through standing and pulled me out of the cage. I tried to remain limp even though I wanted to scramble away from those things as fast as I could.

Thankfully my bow and arrows stayed in my hands as I had planned. I quickly moved to a standing position with an arrow nocked in my bow, pointed at them. I managed to shoot two through the necks before the rest ran off. I ran into the forest and out of the camp quickly.

I already heard them running after me but I couldn't stop now.

My bow was slung over my shoulder before I started running and it jumped and bumped against my chest and shoulder as I ran through the dense trees.

I could hear my captors rustling and squealing to each other in that strange language of theirs. I soon realized that they could keep track of my moving and shaking the undergrowth. I stopped behind a tree and shot off an arrow a few feet away reached down and picked up some stones and threw them as far as I could, away from me. I stopped moving for a moment and listened.

The rustling of those creatures was moving away from me now. I carefully walked around a nearby tree and found a small clearing.

I slumped against a tree and slid to the ground.
What am I going to do?

I didn't have a clue where I was, and didn't have much of a plan beyond get out of that cage and run.

I was hungry. They had left me in that cage with almost no food and water, once or twice I had woken to find a cup/bowl thing with some water in it and a handful of berries which had done nothing to quench my hunger. I was weak and wouldn't be able to escape them. Soon they would find me.

I heard a noise in the forest in front of me. Whatever this was, it was large. I fumbled to notch an arrow but only succeeded in dropping it.

And then Walked into the clearing. It was taller than me, with thick brown fur and a blue axe over it's shoulder. It was wearing what appeared to be a suit.

I froze as it observed me.

"What are you doing out here?"

From it's voice, I deducted that it was a he. When I tried to speak, but my voice was weak and I stuttered.

"I-I...T-T-These things...kidnapped m-me. T-They..." I heard them squealing near here and I froze.

"Um...are you a...a wookie?" I squeaked when the axe over his shoulder became embedded in the tree an inch from my head.

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