A Murder

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6:45. An alarm clock buzzes.

Well, shit. I angrily threw my hand on top of the clock, but the buzzing persisted. I smacked my clock again and again, but to no avail. I tossed my legs to the side of the bed and gently picked up the persistent alarm. Then, I threw it with all of my might at the wall, watching as it smashed into thousands of pieces. That's one way to wake up in the morning.

The sound was loud enough to wake my lovely sleeping companion, Erin. She was such a heavy sleeper that she never heard the alarm go off. "Good morning, sunshine", I gently whispered in her ear.

"Already, babe?"

"Yes, now come on." I grabbed Erin's hand and pulled her out of bed.

"Alright, alright. Sheesh." Erin pecked my cheek and then ran into the shower.

Satisfied, I went into the kitchen to make breakfast. Today was a big day. The national ghost convention was today, where millions of enthusiasts gathered to discuss the paranormal. I had been waiting for this day for months. Mainly just to brag about the agencies' accomplishments. After all, we did just save New York City.

Suddenly a scream pierced my thoughts. Without even thinking, I ran straight to the bathroom where Erin was showering.

"Erin?" Nothing. "Come on Erin. This isn't funny." Nothing.

Slowly I turned the bathroom knob and peeked through the door. A pool of blood was spreading across the floor.

I screamed at the top of my lungs, while tears formed at my eyes and started to drip down my cheeks uncontrollably. "911? Help, my girlfriend has been stabbed! Please hurry!"

I looked around the room for any sign of the murderer. No, Erin wasn't murdered. I laughed to myself. This was all a dream. More laughter. I'm going to pinch myself and I'll wake up right beside Erin, my love.

I pinched myself as hard as I could, until blood dripped down my arm. Before I knew it, the waterworks in my eyes were on again. I looked up and saw that the window was open. That definitely was closed before. I ran to the window and saw a person running away with a ladder. All that I could make out was that this person was a bit plump. I knew that by the time I got downstairs, the murderer would be gone. Tears still streaked my face. The woman that I loved was gone.

I can't possibly live without her. No, I know I can't. I can join Erin for eternity.

No, no, no. I can't do that yet. I need to avenge her first.

I'll avenge you my love. I'll avenge you no matter what. And then, when I have, I'll join you for eternity.

Author: Hey! I know this was a bit dark, but hold on! Things may or may not look up in the future...

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