17. Kiss me Back?

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Enjoy :)

I feel like you guys will love this chapter.

Star closed her eyes and hugged her knees. The freezing air was surrounding Star and she was shivering like a leaf.

Ivan still hadn't replied to her message. Star let the tears stream down her face and let out a shaky breath.

Her heart skipped a beat when she heard footsteps coming towards her. She stopped breathing and sat as still as she possibly could.

'What if it's a murderer, a rapist, a psychopath?', She thought. She was terrified at this point.


Star lifted her head and lost herself in the piercing green eyes of the Greek god who was standing in front of her.

Even in complete darkness, Ray's eyes had the same effect on her. She backed up against the trunk of the tree and hid her face in her hands.

"What do you want?", she muttered.

She heard the dry leaves crunch when Ray bent down and this made her heart go wild. Even if she was mad at Ray, she couldn't help the butterflies in her stomach.

"Why did you run away?", Ray inquired.

"It's none of your business."

Star stood up and started walking away.

"Why the hell do you keep running away?"

Star didn't pay attention and kept walking, not having a clue where she was going.

Ray ran towards her and grabbed her wrist, she struggled to set herself free, but failed.

Ray laced his arms around her and pulled the young girl against his toned chest.

"I'm gonna ask you the same thing, why do you keep running away?"

Star's eyes were as wide as saucers right now. She swore that those words were tinted with lust. But that was probably the cold air messing with her head.

Yeah that was the cold air.


Star felt a shiver run down her spine, but stood still.

"Why did you kiss her?"

Star didn't understand how she managed to get those words out, but thank the lord she succeeded.

"I did not, she was the one who kissed me." Ray deadpanned and Star huffed.

Star froze when she felt his hot breath on her left ear and down her neck. Ray's lips hovered over her shoulder and he placed a single soft kiss over her clothed shoulder.

Ray went around and stood in front of the young girl and chuckled when he saw her pouting.

Star didn't think twice and threw herself in Ray's strong arms and burst out in tears.

Oh, broken girlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora