16. Mixed feelings

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A/N guys I'm so sorry, cause I just proof read my previous 2 chapters and they were filled with silly mistakes but I just corrected them. And yeah sorry once again cause I forget to proof read my chapters sometimes.

And yeah sorry again cause I wrote the next two chapters on my laptop and my hard disk decided to crash:) and I basically lost everything, so I need to re write them now. Oh lord.

Now time for the new chapie, enjoy :D


Star was rambling about how stress she was, but suddenly stopped when the car came to a stop in front of the imposing stadium.

"Iv, please take me back home."

"You made me waste all this fuel to drive you all the way here, so kindly get the f*ck out of my car please." Ivan smiled down at Star.

"You are so rude!" Star shrieked as Ivan pushed her out of the car. She tug on door handle, but Ivan had already locked the car and was already driving away.

"Why am I even here?", Star huffed.

"Because of me." Ray whispered in her left ear and Star froze.

"Star?" Ray inquired, coming to stand right in front of the young girl.





"Yeah! Oh my god what are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be warming up or something?"

"Oh yeah well hello, but warm up just ended and the match is about to begin in like 2 minutes."

"But shouldn't you be there?"

"Oh fuck, yeah... shit I'll see you later Star!" Ray exclaimed and ran towards the field.

"Idiot" Star said while looking at him sprinting away,

"I heard that!" Ray shouted, not even turning to look at her.

"Oh no, why do these things happen to me." Star sighed and walked towards the bleachers, looking for a seat among hundreds of sweaty supporters.

She sat on a random seat and stared at Ray as the game started.

The way he dribbled and sprinted towards the goal was insane. She felt chills going down her back as she watched the latter play.

In the distance she spotted that horrible brunette cheerleader smiling and giggling like a geese with all her 'friends'.

Star fumed but kept her calm and watched the match silently.


Half time was over and the score was still 0-0. She crossed her fingers and hoped for the best.

At 81 minutes the blond lad jones made a decisive pass towards Ray and the latter scored on a scorpion kick.

The stadium went wild. It was so rare to see a goal like that.

"O'Brien! O'Brien!" The crowd roared and star couldn't help but squeal. She knew no one would notice her among a bunch of loud, sweaty supporters.

After 2 additional minutes the match ended and needless to say that TIGERS FC had won it thanks to that glorious goal.

The atmosphere right now was exhilarating; screaming teenagers, cheerleaders going wild, music blasting from the speakers and to sum it all up, fireworks lighting up the sky.

The school's director went to hand over the trophy to the boys, which was pretty ironic though- he gave them a trophy which he'd take away the next day to expose it in the hallway.

Star noticed Mr. Anthony in the distance and slightly cringed.

"Why the heck is that old man here anyway?" Star muttered.

She lost her trend of thoughts when the cheerleaders started performing in the middle of the field, gaining everyone's attention.

Star looked further away and noticed Ray congratulating the others and shaking hands with the opposing team's captain.

She couldn't help herself from smiling and blushing. Thankfully no one around paid attention to her, thanks to the euphoria.

It was only because of Ray that they had won, well also because of Jones, but hey let's just give the whole credit to Ray. Because, he's Ray.

The crowd was really going insane now and the only thing Star wanted to do was to get the hell out of the bleachers.

She started pushing people out of her way so that she could get down, being careful not to fall down and drown in their disgusting sweat.

She finally reached the stairs and mustered all the courage she had, to go and congratulate Ray. Well, that was going to be a difficult task since literally everyone wanted to do that. But at this moment they were too busy shouting and celebrating, so she seized her chance.

She finally managed to get down but stop dead in her tracks when she saw that horrible excuse of a cheerleader clinging to Ray.

Star froze.

That brunette had her lips all over Ray's face. A few seconds later Ray lifted his head and made eye contact with the young girl.

He pushed the cheerleader away and opened his mouth to say something but it was too late, Star was already running away as if her life depended on it.

She made her way towards the exit. Those stupid boots weren't the most comfortable shoes to run with.

Star cursed under her breath when she heard Ray calling her.


But she didn't stop, instead she ran faster. She didn't know how, but she managed to sprint faster. What she didn't notice was that it was pitch dark and that she was lost in the middle of no where.

Realizing that she didn't have a ride home, she quickly took her phone out of her bag and texted Ivan to come pick her up.

Hands shivering she put her phone back in and sat under a tree, tears pooling in her eyes.

How foolish could she be.


Haiiiiiiii guys, hoped you liked it.

Lmao poor star.
Listen both of them are my babies, but I'm so mad at Ray rn.

Well anyways, don't forget to vote and comment if you're liking it so far :)

Lush you all.

Stella. x

Oh, broken girlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora