12. Emotional rollercoaster

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Enjoy :)


Beep beep beep

Star woke up drowsily at the annoying sound of her alarm clock. She rolled over and got out of bed, stumbling as she walked towards the bathroom. She was still so sleepy.

After a quick shower, she dressed up in quite dark clothes; a dark grey hoodie, some black jeans and a grey beanie. She didn't want people to look at her today.

She picked up her backpack and tucked her mobile phone in her pocket and rushed downstairs, cause she was as usual, late.

She went into the kitchen, expecting her mother to be here, but the latter wasn't. Star sighed and went out into the cold weather to feed her dog then quickly headed to school.

She ignored everyone in the schoolyard and went into the library since she realized that her English teacher wouldn't be present today.

She plugged in her earphones, making sure no one saw her and pulled out her notebook from her bag, looking at her old poems.

While scrolling through her songs, she saw a message icon on her screen. She opened it and shrieked when she noticed that it was from Ray.

The librarian shot her a look and she mumbled a quick sorry before looking down at her screen.

Hey beautiful Star ;)
Received: 11.53 pm

How stupid could she be!

She fell asleep last night and she didn't remember that Ray had her number. How was she supposed to face him now?

She quickly sent him a text, saying that she didn't have money to reply him last night. His text came back quickly saying it was okay and that he was looking forward to see her.

She blushed at his words. Not having anymore text messages, she kept her phone in her pocket, plugged in her earphones, and scribbled down a poem.

I never thought this would happen,
I never thought you'd hold my hand,
I never thought you'd give us a chance,
I never thought of being happy.

It's the first time in a while,
That I'm truly happy,
That maybe i see a little light,
At the end of the tunnel,
Maybe the time has come
To smile and to let go.

I never thought that I could still hope,
I never thought that I could still love,
I never thought that I could still believe,
I never thought that I could still trust.

But since you're here,
I guess it's time for me
To give myself,
A second chance at life.

Just as she put her pencil down, the next song that came up was Lost Cause, which brought back her all her old demons.

She sighed and bit the inside of her cheek, before folding her hands in her lap and praying that this time, only this time, she would be happy.

The song pierced her eardrums and tears pooled in her eyes. She was certain that she was going to cry at some point.

She quickly stood up, gathered all her stuff and headed towards the school's washroom.

Oh, broken girlOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz