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She wasn't ready to see him again. Even though she has been waiting for this moment for so long, playing out the scene over and over again with slightly different results at the close of each scripted scene—It had been a few months, a few months too long.. She was extremely nervous...

"Ivory..?" A familiar voice danced around in her ears and her heart began to race faster, as she got off the bus she looked up at him. His beautiful brown hair and eyes remain the same. His voice sounded better than she'd imagine, and wow. Was he really this tall. Pushing her hair behind her ear she smiled at him.

"Matt... How are you?" She tried to compress her excitement but as always she did such a poor job.

"I'm great, a little jet legged but i'm good." He smiled, his voice did sound tired. "So where's my hug?" his eyebrow raised.

"H-Hug? I thought you didn't like hugs..." Ivory's heart raced faster but now for a different reason... "Yeah well, I haven't seen you for a awhile.. I missed you man..."

Looking him dead in his eyes she stood there frozen. Missed... He missed me??? her thoughts were getting louder and louder but she had to push them down. "I missed you too" a forced smile appeared on her face as she wrapped her arms around his waist, his arms embracing her tight. Wow... This feels ... amazing... She loved the way his body felt against hers; she adored the way their skin felt on each other, she was immersed in his intoxicating scent, her face laid deep in his chest, drowning herself in his aroma. Her nails began to gently dig into his shirt. She felt a wave of emotions flowing into her. All she wanted to do was hold him and Nothing else. No one else mattered in the world but him. She was totally infatuated.

"So," A strange sound broke her peace, "how was England?" Sam asked. They'd both forgotten that she was standing there and soon unlocked their embrace in slight embarrassment. His face slightly red...

"It was good. I um... Oh right I got you two gifts. Come to my dorm room?" sam just grinned and swayed her hips a little. "Hm... No give it to Ivory. I don't want anything from you." she took Ivory's hand and smiled. "Come on, we have CLASSES UNLIKE SOMEONE." They both laughed and Ivory waved goodbye while still being pulled away by her friend. "I'll see you later okay?!" She exclaimed now farther away from him. He yelled, "Yeah Of course!" watching their bodies get smaller as the distance between them grew bigger.

So much... We have so much to talk about. Well in his life. Regarding her own--there wasn't anything that she wanted to talk about... Over the months she was officially diagnosed with Bipolar disorder. However they caught it "just in time"--that's what the doctors said. Any more prolonging and she could've ended up in a mental hospital. But with the Bipolar came depression which could alter her reality. She didn't think she had depression. She was always so happy when matt was here. She thought that she was just sad since he wasn't with her so she refused to take her medicine, but once she started to have episodes in school she knew the doctors were right. This had nothing to do with Matt. This was her own fault. Her aunt suffered from this and she knew  one day she might have to too... She just never wanted to believe that it actually did happen to her.



"Attention Passengers we have finally arrived back in the states." Matt heard the inner-com go off as he took out his headphones. He looked over out the plane's window and he smiled widely. "Finally..." He muttered to himself, getting up he grabbed his carry on and walked off the plane with the rest of the people. "Okay here we go.." Holding onto the handle of his carry on tightly he made his way back to campus. It was early in the morning. He wanted to make sure he had enough time to unpack and be there right before she came back. He knew they just got off of break and this would be a great time to come back. For months he's been thinking about this moment... Once he saw her he knew he had to hold her. Even if it was a bit uncomfortable for him, he had to.

After placing the rest of his belongings in his drawers he began to make his way to the front gates of the college and waited. They should be here any minute now, he thought, and, oh was he right! He heard the bus coming from a far. Propping himself up he fixed his clothes to make sure he looked alright. Once the bus came to a final stop he felt his nerves rattling. He was nervous for the first time of knowing her. Over the course of months all he could do was think about her... He was supposed to be there for a year but he couldn't stop thinking of her, let alone focus on his work. It wasn't a hard choice. He knew he needed to be with her--every night she'd been haunting his dreams; whispering his name in his sleep. She's the first thought he wakes to and the last he sleeps to. His every moment was a moment too far from her. He wanted her, he needed her. She was his drug that'd he'd never give up. Even if she didn't feel the same, he didn't care. He just needed to be with her.

Sighing with slight relief his wishes were finally  coming true.

"Ivory..?" His heart raced rapidly as he saw her face. He was speechless, he hair had gotten longer and the color was new.. It was a soft red. Maybe the dye was fading out? But she was as beautiful as ever... He noticed her hand pushing away hair from her face and smiled. The same nervous squirt he'd came to love. He thought peacefully to himself and soon he heard her timid voice.

"Matt?" He could tell she was a bit nervous but so was he, "How are you?"

He was in a daze from her beauty, he almost didn't answer. "I'm great. A little jet Legged but i'm good." He noticed her smile and the coffee in her hand. He knew that mornings were always hard for her so he didn't mind her forced smile. He decided this was the time to ask, "So where's my hug?" He tried to make it seem casual to soften the blow. "Hug... I thought you didn't like Hugs..." he failed. He tired to come up with a reason but couldn't so he just told the truth.

"Yeah,  I haven't seen you in months. I missed you man," Fuck, he thought, maybe I shouldn't have said "Man". Sighing a bit he had to deal with it, he couldn't take it back. However he did notice her eyes looking in his eyes. He didn't know if he should have been worried or happy. But her feet moved towards him and before he knew it her arms were around his waist. Wow... She smells better than I remembered... His smile got wide as he let his arms pull her closer.  He laid his chin on her head lightly and noticed the smell of roses. He felt... Comfortable with her... He knew this was right.

"So how was england?" Embarrassment filled them both. They had forgotten about Sam.

He began to talk with sam about england. He told them he brought gifts but Sam rejected them as he expected. But she took Ivory away from him and he watched them leave. "Wow... This was the right choice for sure but... Am I ready for this?" Matt hadn't dated in years and he wasn't sure he would ever have a serious relationship again but there was something about Ivory...

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