Chapter 6

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Many years passed, and Fall and Winter had a small house together in the village. They were to be wed. A small, petite, brown haired, blue eyed three-year-old girl sat on the floor, a story book in hand, intently reading. The chirping of birds could be heard, as the afternoon sun drifted into the small sitting room. 

"Momma?" The girl asked softly. "Yes, Crystal?" Fall replied. "Do you think I'm gonna find love just like you and Daddy?" Fall simply patted her knee, a motion for her daughter to sit there. Crystal did as she was motioned.  "Y'know, love is not only found in a man and woman relationship. It can be found in...twins, mothers and their children, sisters, and best friends. Love, true love isn't subjective. It can happen between anyone. But True Love is so strong, that nothing can break it, even thousands of miles worth of ocean that separates the two, they always find each other. No matter the circumstance." Fall said, rocking the small girl to sleep. Crystal's head nodded off, and she fell asleep, with one thing on her mind.

What does the future have in store for us...

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