Chapter 1.

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"I don't see why I can't just stay home for a week and get used to the life here," I argued.

"No, K.C. It's best to start right away," my dad replied.

"But we moved here yesterday!" I exclaimed.

"Kimberly Chloe, don't you use that tone with me!" he warned.

I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest while slumping down in the seat of my dad's brand new car.

"You'll be fine. It's just 8 hours. And then I'll be right here to pick you up," my dad reassured me. "Now go and have a good day, sweetie."

I stepped out of the car and felt the warm wind whip around me, blowing through my dark brown, almost black, hair.

"Bye, honey!"

"Bye, dad," I said and slammed the car door shut, the sound ringing through the whole parking lot.

I looked down at my outfit to make sure it looked okay. With my blue skinny jeans, white jumper and black converse I was sure to blend into the crowd.

This is what everyone wore at my old school. And as long as I kept looking like this, no one would even notice I was here. Just the way I needed it to be until I was able to leave this town.

I put one foot in front of the other and started to walk towards the school building.

Let me explain a little.

My name is K.C. My actual name is Kimberly Chloe Brooks. But when I was younger, my little 5 year old self decided that K.C. fit me better than Kimberly. I'm an only child and I live with my dad because my mother ran off with some guy when I was 8. I'm 17 now so I don't really care anymore and had stopped crying about it a long time ago.

My dad and I moved to a new town because of a job offer he got. Just yesterday we arrived and today I already had to go to school because my dad didn't want me to miss anything. I love my dad, but sometimes he's just so complicated and unfair.

I hadn't seen anything of this town except my house. I had never been any further than my front yard. Except the time that we drove into the city and to school. But it's not like I paid any attention to what was outside.

From what I've been told, this town is as unknown as it gets. The last time someone moved here was 50 years ago. Before my dad told me we were moving here, I had never heard of a small town called 'Willowspoint'.

And now here I was. On my way to school. I might have looked fine to the naked eye but inside I was a nervous wreck. I hated having to meet new people and leave everything I know behind.

As I walked through the parking lot, I didn't notice everyone staring at me. As I walked into the building, I didn't realise just how different everyone looked. I was completely oblivious to my surroundings.

I pulled open the heavy doors and stepped from the warmth of the sun into the air conditioned building.

"Um, excuse me, miss?" I asked, letting the secretary know I was here, once I walked into the front office.

She looked about 40. With hair that went just under her chin and the cardigan on her back and tied around her neck she looked just like those old ladies from the old movies.

She looked up from her paperwork and studied my outfit before looking into my eyes. "What do you need?" she asked in a tone that showed pure disapproval.

Why? I wasn't showing an extreme amount of skin or wearing a shirt with some absurd quote on it. I thought I looked fine when I walked out of the house this morning but apparently I was wrong.

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