Finding My Mate [11]

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Okay, I know it's been long(er) but that also means that I've managed to write a few more chapters so maybe I might update often again, or I might not because I don't want to finish the story too soon. Because so far, I've updated like every day and I think I should give it more time. So I've been thinking since this is a Werewolf story, I should really start to introduce the whole Werewolf scheme (and stop writing long A/N's!) Also I want to add that this will be like thirty chapter long - maybe more, maybe less but around that much, and I want it to be like 100-150 pages long, so I don't want to rush it or cut it short, so it will be here for a while - that is if anyone reads! You don't have to read this, because I know it's long and it's not that important. Please comment! Okay on with the show!



I was still stunned by what had happened in the elevator. It was like a kiss I'd never had before. Yeah, when I went out with Josh, obviously we kissed, but it was nothing like what I'd just done with Noah and I couldn't help but smile at the fact that it'd happened. 

When me and Josh kissed it felt nice, sweet and innocent which was the total opposite of what I felt with Noah, it felt probably a hundred times better than that and my body was still tingling as I hopped into my car, again. 

I approached Chloe's house. It had always been prettier than our old one when we were younger, we used to live on the same street. Hers was on the corner, with a brand new, white coat of paint and a cute picket fence that framed her manicured front lawn. It was kind of funny because everything looked so perfect, so un-Chloe. So when I enter her room and it's almost pitch-black with the curtains drawn and loads of posters of Punk-Rock Bands plastered to the wall it the complete opposite of what you'd expect. But Chloe was always full of surprises. 

I lifted my hand to knock on the door but it already opened before I did. "Gabby," Rosa squealed, pointing upstairs immediately. "Chloe needs you, now!" Her mum walked in smiling warmly at me. "Don't speak to your guest like that!" She said, scolding her even though she had a smile on her face. Lola came from behind her, grinning. "Hi," She said. 

"Hey, I haven't seen you in a long time, we barely spend time together now." I said, pretending to be sad, it was something I would do and she'd always jump and give me a hug. "It's okay, we'll spend time together, I promise. It's just tomorrow I'm going to Rosa's again and then Saturday you're going with Chloe to the Spa, so Sunday, I promise!" She held out her pinky-finger and shook hers with mine. 

"Chloe really needs you," Julie, Chloe's mum gave me a warning look before pulling away Rosa and Lola. "Come on let's go back and paint some pictures." She said. 

"Ooh, I'm going to paint mine of a giraffe." Lola said, sticking her tongue at Rosa, I chuckled as their voices faded into the kitchen. 

I took off my shoes quickly before climbing up the stairs, Chloe's room was the furthest to the right. I knocked on the door. "Chloe? It's me Gabby, can I come in?" 

"Yeah," She gurgled. I pushed the door lightly and it fell open. Chloe was sat there, most of her body hidden by her black duvet, the lights were dim and her small TV was on in the corner of her room. Even though it was pretty dark, I could see her face was pale and her mascara smudged down her face. 

"Hey," She sniffed, sitting up as I slumped on her bed and tapped her leg. "Hey. What happened? Me and Noah had to finish early of planning our essay, but it's okay because we finished like half of it pretty quickly, it was kind of funny because-" My voice stopped when Chloe gasped. 

"I'm so selfish, I pulled you away from your date with Noah!" She cut her eyes towards me, a weak smile forming on her face. "How was it?"

"It wasn't a date," I could feel my cheeks flaming up. Thank god her room was dark because I'd gone really red. 

"Yes it was, now tell me what happened?" She said, pulling a final tissue from her table and wiping her face. 

"But first, you tell me what's going on? I haven't seen you cry in like... Five years." She rolled her eyes at my exaggeration before tilting her head to the side and saying quietly. "Marcus broke up with me, he came over to my house and broke up with me." She paused. "At least he had the decency to do it to my face and not on the phone, do you know how embarrassing that would be?"

I shook my head. "But why?"

She shrugged, her face crumpling slightly. "He said, he found someone else. I mean I met her, she was in his car, smiling all smugly with her fake nose and boobs, I just wanted to punch her in the face. He could've at least found someone nice, I think she was one of Sierra's followers, Casey, I think her name. I told him that we'd been going out for what... a year? I told him..." She gulped. "I told him I loved him and he just used me, he didn't even say sorry..." Her voice faded as she refused to look me in the eyes I patted her back. "He said he'd been with her for a while and that he'd wanted to end it for long, I loved him, I really loved him." 

"I know," I smiled warmly. "I know,"


Julie had let me and Lola stay the night, Chloe said I could borrow her clothes and I'd probably get a detention for forgetting my books but I'd be okay with that, I had one tomorrow anyways. We couldn't leave now, we'd stayed way to late it was almost one in the morning and Lola and Rosa had already fallen asleep but me and Chloe were still up talking. 

"You'll make him wish he never dumped you." I smiled. "Just ignore him, let him go and forget about him. He wasn't even that great anyways." 

"I can't just pretend, we went out for a year." Chloe rolled her eyes, she still had mascara running down her face but at least I'd gotten her to stop crying. "I just can't forget and move on," I raised an eyebrow. 

She sighed. "But I'll try." 

I nodded, smiling. "I think we should go to sleep now," 

'Yeah, probably," Chloe mumbled as she flicked off the light. "Night," 

"Night," I said, wriggling under the duvets. 


I woke up extra early, Chloe was still asleep, her pillow smudged with blotches of dark make up, matching her face. 

My hand pulled lightly on the handle of her closet, an endless pile of black just sat in the centre. "Man," I grumbled to myself, I didn't want to be an exact copy of Chloe going to school today and I couldn't wear the same clothes as yesterday.

After fumbling for ages, managing to find a few pieces of clothing that weren't ripped, torn or advertising one of her favorite, depressing, Punk-Rock bands, I settled for a plan, black T--Shirt with black skinny jeans and black converses. The jeans were kind of tight, but hugged my legs well and showed off my curves. 

I heard Chloe roll over, her eyes cracking open and wincing at the stream of sunlight coming from her window. "Ugh," She gurgled, glancing at the mirror on her table. She turned to me. "Wow, you look, really good, those jeans look way better on you than on me, plus they were too long for my legs anyway." 

"I'm not keeping them, I'm borrowing them for today at school." I explained and she glanced at her clock. 

"Crap! I have to get all this off my face and find an outfit to wear!" I raised an eyebrow at how similarly she acted to Sierra. 

"What?" She gave me an accusing glance. "I like to look good for school." 

After cleaning her face and choosing her outfit I had time to chew two bites of my sandwich before running out the door. "Thanks, Julie!"

"It's no problem," She called back as we ran to my car. 

"We've still got time, it's okay," Chloe said looking at her watch. 

I nodded as we both jumped in and my foot crashed down on the accelerator. 

I am not happy with this chapter, at all, but enjoy anyways, I needed for her and Chloe to make up and become friends again! 

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