Finding My Mate [3]

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The whole lesson was really fun with Blake. I felt really safe with him when he picked me up and I learnt loads of new moves. It turned out he was some sort of dance champion when he was younger so he helped me perfect quite a few steps he'd learned before. We nearly had our whole routine figured out by the first lesson so we'd have loads of spare time just to muck about in the next ones. 

"Blake!" I heard Sierra's nasal voice squeal as she clung her arms  around his neck. I rolled my eyes and continued walking. "You're such a good dancer, would you like to teach me a few moves after school?" She drawled, flashing him a perfect smile before licking her lips seductively.

"You have your own partner Sierra." Blake said. "And don't pretend as if you like me now when just yesterday you spilt your coffee on my shirt yesterday on purpose." He said, pulling away from her as she huffed away.

"Hey," He said, flinging his arm around my shoulder. "We were so good in there you even got Sierra jealous." 

"We were pretty great," I nodded. "And the way you just rejected her now, was hilarious." I said as I watched Sierra's heels still 'click' down the hallway.

"I think she just wants to compete against you, she just wants to be better than you, you could read it on her face." He shrugged. "And I wasn't going to be one of her toys which she would just drop when she got bored."

I burst out laughing. "What?" He asked, prodding me in the shoulder. "What?"

"Nothing, just the way you said it." I smiled. "I have to go now, gym tired me out and I've got to go eat by myself because Chloe decided to bunk. Plus, after school I have to pick up my little sister and go Swim Practice."

"You seem busy," He commented. "How are you going to manage that?" 

"I don't know," I sighed, tucking a few stray bits of my hair behind my ears. "But I have to eat, otherwise I'm going to die."

"You know, like half the girls would starve themselves and eat a small rabbit-sized portions of salad or something." Blake chuckled, ruffling my hair.

"I know, but I'm not one of those girls, I like food." I grinned. "I can't believe I have only one class with you, when I don't have Chloe in one of my classes and I have to sit with people like Agnes Cook who spit every time they talk, it would be great to sit with someone like you."

"I'm flattered." He smiled, putting on a dramatic voice. "But Agnes is great." He paused, looking at me. "Yeah, she is kind of disgusting."

"You're so mean," I slapped him in the arm playfully as we entered the Dinner Hall, nearly all the tables were full. "Yeah, but at least I'm honest." I raised my eyebrow. "Come on admit it, you've been waiting for that new guy to look at you since I first met you in gym." I froze as he looked at me with a knowing smile. "I can just tell, so there's no point in denying it." He placed his plate with food on his tray and signaled me to come over and join him. 

"I am not sitting with them," I said, biting my lip. Where else was I going to sit, if I went anywhere else I would look like a complete loner or out of place. 

"Fine, but tell me where else are you going to sit?" He asked. I breathed out before reluctantly following him to the table. I glanced quickly to where Sierra was sitting, she was with Madison and another girl along with Josh and Noah who was smirking. I tried to ignore the disappointed feeling in my stomach before I plopped down next to Blake and another guy from my French class called Seth. 

"Hey, Blake, you brought a girl to the table?" One guy hollered. "I'm Michael by the way, this is Brad, Chuck, Logan, Paul, Kyle, Blake and Seth." 

"Hey," I said, they all hooted. Crap, the last thing I wanted to do was call attention to myself! Even though I wasn't looking directly at them, I could feel Noah's, Josh's and Sierra's eyes fixed on me. The familiar growl from Noah was quiet compared to all the background noise. 

"So, you guys going out?" Logan asked, everyone around the table was huge, Seth's and Blake's shoulders were squashed against mine. 

"Nope," Blake gave Logan a look before answering for me. "Just friends, we met in Gym."

'What? You were in the class with Coach Brown when he talked about the school making you do Dance as a sport?" Michael asked as he turned to me. "I bet you this pansy told you about how he used to be a Dance Champion and how he won first prize in the competition," Michael smirked before whispering to me. "Because that's going to impress the ladies."

I chuckled, Blake turned to Michael. "You know Michael I can hear you, and what impresses the ladies is that not only can I dance but I can also kick your butt." 

"Are you going to bet about that, Watson?" Michael puffed out his chest and tensed his muscles. 

"You're on, Hannigan." Blake smirked back before turning to me. "Don't worry, we do this all the time, 'Guy Stuff'." He whispered to me, I rolled my eyes.

"What was that, Watson? Huh? Okay instead of a fight, let's make it a little more interesting by getting the lady involved." He said, his head tilting in my direction as he winked at me. The Lady? Another distant growl emerged from Noah, but I wasn't really paying attention to him. "Who do you think is better looking?" All the guys eyes fixed on me. 

Oh crap.


"Uh, do I have to answer that?" I asked, raising my eyebrow before stuffing a forkful of food into my mouth. 

"Uh, yes?" Blake and Michael said simultaneously, rolling their eyes. 

I tilted my head back and laughed. "You guys are acting like girls, seriously?" I cocked an eyebrow. "Who's better looking? What kind of guy asks that?"

"Is she questioning our manliness?" Michael turned to Blake. "You know what, I think she is, Michael." Blake retorted. 

"I think we're going to have to punish her," Michael half-sung, grinning evilly at me. "What do you say Blake?" 

"I think that's a very good idea." 

"No, please, you're both very manly and good-looking?" I said as they both reached to grab my arms. "Please, don't hurt me!" I feigned horror, dramatically placing the back of my hand to my forehead.

They all burst out laughing. "Did you hear that, we're both good-looking." Michael chuckled through fits of laughter. "Please don't hurt me! Please!" He mimicked as I narrowed my eyes at him, trying to hide my smile. 

I scooped up some more of my food. "Shurgfjp."

"Sorry, what? I can't understand what you're saying. How un-lady-like talking with food in her mouth!" Blake said pushing his ear closer to me. 

I chewed and swallowed before repeating myself. "Shut up." I said before folding my arms on my chest. But they continued to laugh, the whole table was shaking. 

I quickly glanced at Noah who was still staring at me, his eyes fixed on mine. Sierra was clinging onto his shoulder, talking to him but I don't think he was listening. I didn't understand, did I have food on my face or something? He was horrible to me during English and now he was staring at me, like he was possessed. Not only that but my heart was beating ten times faster than normal and I had butterflies in my stomach. What the hell?

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