Chapter 5 : Let it go

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3 years later...
Hermione POV

I sat in Harry's living room when I heard Ginny squeal, she came rushing in with a big smile on her face

"What's up ?" Harry asked

"We are invited to a new years party at Malfoy Manor" she said in a excited voice

"Do we really have to go?" I asked in a lazy voice

"Yes we have to " she said in a no-nonsens tone

Draco POV

As I was getting ready for the party I heard a knock on the door

"Mother can you answer the door?" He yelled down the stairs

It's way to early for people to be arriving he thought

Narcissa POV

"Harry , Ginny it's nice to see y... oh Hermione I did not see you there ."

Draco was going to be shell shocked. Hermione was in his's been nearly three years.

"Sorry we're so early we got time wrong and just realised it now." She said apologizing

"No need to apologize hunny , Draco will be down in a minute " I said in a sweet tone

"DRACO!!" I yelled "We have guests"

Draco rushed down and then he saw her, beautiful as ever, her brown bushy hair was cut shoulder length and she had that same big persuing brown eyes.

When her eyes met his, he remember why he loved her...

Hermione POV
*At party*

The party have kicked off and every one was having a good time , well everyone except me.

I was bored and decided to explore Malfoy Manor. It was really big and someone could easily get lost. I wandered to far into the castle and found myself in a very big room. It had a king size bed in the middle with long dark curtains which matched the bedspread , the room had a big golden candileer hanging in the middle.

"What are you doing here?" A voice shocked her back to reality.

"D...Draco s...sorry I didn't notice you w...were here " She stampers

"Why wouldn't I be here ? This is my room after all " Draco said with a grin.

Draco POV

She just stood there, looking very embarrassed

"What no comment ?? Cat got your tongue Granger " he grinned

"Shut up you foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach" she sneered

Now that turned me on.

"Oh Granger you know I love it when you call me that " he laughed

"You are the most insensitive wart I have ever had the misfortune to meet." She said  a little annoyed

God he loved it when she got mad.

"Now Granger that hurt my feelings." He pouted mockingly

"Your feelings ? You've got the emotional rage of a teaspoon" she rolled her eyes

Third persons POV

He grabbed her arm and pushed her against the wall. She looked shock

"W...what are doing?" She stuttered

"Shut up" he said mockingly

Then his lips were on hers. God he tasted tasty , like apples.
She wanted to stop but then he whispers her name in her ear and that sent thrills down her spine. She was gone just like that , with her hands in his platinum blond hair and his hands on her waist.

It was the most amazing feeling, skin on skin , mouth to mouth .
She could lay like this forever.

Then she heard something she never thought would escape Draco Malfoy's lips

"I love you Hermione."

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