Chapter 2 : Unsteady

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"Well well isn't it the flying ferret" Ron sneered .

"It's good to see you to weasel" Draco said with a grin .

Draco was about to enter the Great Hall when Ron stopped him .

"What are you doing here ? "

But before Draco could answer he was interrupted by a voice behind him.

"Hello Ronald , it's been to long " Hermione said sweetly

Draco POV

There she stood , the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Her long wavy brown her cascaded down her shoulders and framed her face. Her big brown eyes met my own.

"Hello Malfoy , I wasn't expecting to see you here ? " She raised her eyebrows

"Well you know me , sometimes I surprise myself." He smirked

Hermione POV

I studied him for long time , he has changed , he was no longer a scrony teenager , he was broder and his features sharper , he looked rather handsome. As I scanned him up and down a voice pulled me to reality.

"Hermione , Ron ! It's so good to see you " Ginny screamed with Harry hot on her trail

She gave them both a big hug before she noticed a blond in the corner of her eye.

"Oh Draco , I didn't see you there."
Ginny said a little uncomfortable.

"It's fine Weaselette " Draco said  annoyed

They stood in awkward silence when Harry said

"Well we'd better be going then"

They all agreed and went into the Great Hall.

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