Chapter 2

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Luckily, I escaped from that idiot. If he seriously poured the coke on me. I would have seriously beated the hell out of him.
I gritted my teeth angrily.

My parents asked me why I was home early. I replied with nothing.

I quietly with anger on my mind stomped up the stairs to my bedroom and listened to music to relieve the stress I had.
I received a text.

"Hey idiot. Watch what I do tomorrow." - Unknown

"How did you get my number?" -Chaerin

I instantly knew it was Taehyung. After all, who else would call me an idiot and who would want revenge from me except Tae.
I renamed the "Unknown" name to "Idiot2017" because I thought he deserved it.
I received another text.

"Oh. Yoongi gave it to me as he got 'infired' to do a DIY on his bag. I made a deal with him and I got your number." - Idiot2017


"Well you will get infired when you see what I do with you tomorrow at school. Hahahaha.." - Idiot2017

"What are you planning to do exactly?" - Chaerin

"Oh. You will find out soon. And you will definitely be infired." - Idiot2017

"Urghhh..." - Chaerin

I had enough of him and I decided to carry on listening to music and you know being a depressed emo as always.

"Chae. Dear, what happened at school? Why are you back so early? Did you bunk?"  my mom barged in the room whilst attacking me with questions.

"Oh, some stupid asshole decided to put fireworks in his bag and mixed it with keroscene, making the fireworks happen inside the school. The teachers are investigating on who it is still." I explained my mum.

"Wow. Those fireworks must've been cool to watch. Are you okay, dear? DID YOU GET HURT?" my mum asked, bombarding me with questions.

"No. I'm fine mum." I answered.

She then walked outside my room and prepared lunch for me to eat.

The next day, I looked in my drawer for any clothes to wear. I decided to wear a pink sweatshirt with black leggings because I knew Taehyung was gonna do something with the coke he had yesterday.

I then thought to myself. "He must've drank that coke by now. After all, he wouldn't waste a shit loads of money to just spill on me, right?" I got worried. "He must have other plans today. Maybe he might spill something else on me?"
I gulped.

I then had breakfast and then went outside the house to walk to school. As I opened the door, I saw a familiar face approaching me. "That fucking idiot. I am so gonna kill him today."


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"Hi. You ready for your revenge? I see you wearing pink for once. After all, you always wear dark colours all the time. It's nice to see a change today." He said, sipping on a chocolate flavoured smoothie.

"Just shut up and go to school already. Go away then, shoo!" I replied, furiously.

"Well, about that.. who said your walking to school alone?" He gave off an evil smirk.

"I did, now shoo, out of my sight!" I gulped nervously.

I then planned on something else. RUNNING TO SCHOOL! Obviously, he's probably those slow turtles so it would be the best way to avoid him.
I ran as fast as I could. Until I reached the school gate.

"Want a sip of water?" the idiot asked, quickly catching up.
I refused. Who would be stupid to accept his offer? After all, he might've put poison in there.

He got his enormous 2L bottle filled with water out anyway and a few seconds later, I was drenched with water.
"HERES YOUR WATER, IDIOT!" he smirked.

And obviously, did one of those classic meme faces posted of him on the internet

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And obviously, did one of those classic meme faces posted of him on the internet.

Seokjin approached us and said, "Tae, stop troubling people. Seriously mate, calm down!"

I then headed towards the washroom. The whole school stared at me wondering why I was wet. My best friend, Soohyun already knew the reason because I texted her about it yesterday.

Luckily, the revenge was completed and I was relieved he didn't think of spilling anything else on me.
The rest of the day was fine. It went by normally as it always has been.

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