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"Shh!" Dan giggled as they closed the door behind them, wincing slightly at the echoing bang and hoping no one had heard.

"Come on," Phil laughed, linking their hands and dragging them toward the edge of the pool sized bath. It was the prefect bathroom, and they only had the password because Phil had threatened a fifth year prefect for it. Of course, he'd told Dan that he'd simply asked.

Phil turned on several taps, watching as the water rose faster than it should have (magic!) and turned towards Dan. "You sure you're not afraid to get in the pool?" he teased.

"Shut up," Dan replied with a roll of his eyes, his hands coming out to shove at his boyfriend.

"What if you drown?"

"You won't let me."

"Oh yeah? What if our entire relationship has just been a plot for me to get you into this pool and let you drown? I am a Slytherin, you know," Phil informed.

"Somehow I don't think you'd have dated me for an entire year simply to kill me at the end of it," Dan said with a shrug. "Besides, without me, who would you ever have sex with?"

"I'm a good looking guy, Dan," Phil said sagely. "I'm sure I could rope somebody in."

"I'd be less sure, if I were you."


"I'm just saying, I don't think anyone would want to have sex with you when your ghost ex-boyfriend is constantly hanging around," Dan said, and Phil laughed, the sound echoing throughout the bathroom.

He stepped closer to his boyfriend, running his hands down his arms, sliding them up under his shirt.

"Trying to undress me?" Dan joked, sounding a bit breathless already. Phil pinched his nipples, smirking as Dan stifled a gasp, his eyes already glazing over.

"When aren't I?" Phil replied, which Dan didn't even dignify with a response. His mouth was slightly open, his hand gripping Phil's wrists as he continued to play with Dan's nipples.

Phil continued with the whole taking-off-Dan's-clothes thing, and it took Dan a moment to come back to his senses and let go of Phil so he could get on with it. Dan was blushing slightly, likely at how easy it was for him to get wound up.

Taking Dan's clothes off for him was probably one of Phil's favorite things to do. He liked to drag his hands all over him as he took of his clothes, and Dan would stand there and let him, shivering at the feelings racing through his body.

Once Dan was undressed, Phil was stripping off his own clothes carelessly. He pulled Dan into an embrace, looping his arms around the shorter boy, while Dan looked up at him, a small grin tugging at his lips.

"I love you," Phil informed, and Dan laughed, pressing his face into Phil's bare chest.

"Okay, soppy nerd," he replied.

Phil squished him harder to his chest, and Dan gasped as the breath was forced out of him.

"Tell me you love me."

"No!" Dan laughed, digging his fingers into Phil's side. The ticklish feeling made him jump away from his boyfriend, who took to running to the other side of the pool, giggling.

"Get back here!" Phil demanded. "Give me your love!"


Standing on opposite sides of the pool, Phil started edging to the left. Dan moved in the opposite direction. Seeing that he had no other choice, Phil snatched his wand from his pile of clothes, and pointed it at Dan.

"Hey! No wands!" he shouted, obviously knowing he'd been bested by his much smarter boyfriend.

Phil ignored him, and cast a spell that would slow him down. Dan glared as he tried to run away, his limbs moving like he was running through syrup. Phil laughed, and sprinted easily around the edge of the pool.

"You suck," Dan panted, still trying to run away. His brow was creased in determination, his hands balled into fists.

"If you want me to," Phil said with a shrug, and Dan rolled his eyes.

"Fuck you!"

"Maybe later."

Dan growled, and Phil ended it by wrapping his arms around the smaller boy, and dragging them both into the pool.

They resurfaced, Dan gasping for air and calling him all sorts of names. The pool wasn't too deep, and Phil's head was above water, but Dan had to stand on his tip toes and tilt his head all the way back to breath, and that was just at the shallow end.

Phil reached out for his struggling boyfriend and pulled him against him, letting Dan wrap his legs around his waist and his arms around his neck.

"Still gonna let me teach you how to swim?" Phil asked. Dan hummed.

"I think I have a better idea."


In response, Dan grinded down against him, and Phil's gasp echoed in the room, bouncing off the walls and the water.

"Good idea."

And it always was.

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